B    Monitoring the Network Interfaces

The netstat command is very helpful in monitoring the Ethernet, Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI), and token ring network interfaces. The following sections contain sample system output and a description of the information for each network interface.

B.1    Monitoring the Ethernet Interface

You can use the netstat -I ln0 -s command to obtain a listing of the Ethernet counters. The following is sample system output from this command:

ln0 Ethernet counters at Thu Nov 6 07:33:00 1992
        1289 seconds since last zeroed
    16812469 bytes received
     4657308 bytes sent
       42555 data blocks received
       28418 data blocks sent
      860360 multicast bytes received
        7710 multicast blocks received
         546 multicast bytes sent
          13 multicast blocks sent
           0 blocks sent, initially deferred
        1864 blocks sent, single collision
        5542 blocks sent, multiple collisions
           6 send failures, reasons include:
                Excessive collisions
           0 collision detect check failure
           3 receive failures, reasons include:
                Block check error
                Framing Error
           0 unrecognized frame destination
           0 data overruns
           0 system buffer unavailable
           0 user buffer unavailable

The following section lists each field in the previous example alphabetically, and describes each field.

blocks sent, initially deferred
Explanation: The number of times a frame transmission was deferred on its first transmission attempt. Used in measuring Ethernet contention with no collisions.

blocks sent, multiple collisions
Explanation: The number of times a frame was successfully transmitted on the third or later attempt after normal collisions on previous attempts.

blocks sent, single collision
Explanation: The number of times a frame was successfully transmitted on the second attempt after a normal collision on the first attempt.

bytes received
Explanation: The number of bytes successfully received.

bytes sent
Explanation: The number of bytes successfully transmitted.

collision detect check failure
Explanation: The number of times a collision detection was not sensed after a transmission.

data blocks received
Explanation: The number of frames successfully received.

data blocks sent
Explanation: The number of frames successfully transmitted.

data overruns
Explanation: The number of times a frame was discarded because no receive buffer was available.

multicast blocks received
Explanation: The number of frames successfully received in multicast frames.

multicast blocks sent
Explanation: The number of frames successfully transmitted in multicast frames.

multicast bytes received
Explanation: The number of bytes successfully received in multicast frames.

multicast bytes sent
Explanation: The number of bytes successfully transmitted in multicast frames.

receive failures, reasons include:
Explanation: The number of times a receive error occurred. Each receive error is classified as one of the following:

  • Block check error

  • Framing error

  • Frame too long

seconds since last zeroed
Explanation: The number of seconds since the associated counter attributes were set to zero.

send failures, reasons include:
Explanation: The number of times a transmit error occurred. Each transmit error is classified as one of the following:

  • Excessive collisions

  • Carries check failed

  • Short circuit

  • Open circuit

  • Frame too long

  • Remote failure to defer

system buffer unavailable
Explanation: The number of times a frame was discarded because no link buffer was available.

unrecognized frame destination
Explanation: The number of times a frame was discarded because there was no data link port. The count includes frames received for the physical address only. It does not include frames received for the multicast or broadcast address.

user buffer unavailable
Explanation: The number of times a frame was discarded because no user buffer was available.

B.2    Monitoring the FDDI Interface

You can use the netstat -I interface -s command to obtain a listing of the Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) counters, status, and characteristics for the FDDI interface. The following is sample system output from this command for the fza0 interface. See faa(7), fta(7), fza(7), and mfa(7) for adapter error messages.

fza0 FDDI counters at Wed Jun 12 14:02:44 1992
          89 seconds since last zeroed
     6440875 ANSI MAC frame count
           0 ANSI MAC frame error count
           0 ANSI MAC frames lost count
       37488 bytes received
       39005 bytes sent
         447 data blocks received
         479 data blocks sent
       30170 multicast bytes received
         321 multicast blocks received
       29163 multicast bytes sent
         360 multicast blocks sent
           0 transmit underrun errors
           0 send failures
           0 FCS check failures
           0 frame status errors
           0 frame alignment errors
           0 frame length errors
           0 unrecognized frames
           0 unrecognized multicast frames
           0 receive data overruns
           0 system buffers unavailable
           0 user buffers unavailable
           0 ring reinitialization received
           0 ring reinitialization initiated
           0 ring beacon process initiated
           0 ring beacon process received
           0 duplicate tokens detected
           0 duplicate address test failures
           0 ring purger errors
           0 bridge strip errors
           0 traces initiated
           0 traces received
           0 LEM reject count
           0 LEM events count
           0 LCT reject count
           0 TNE expired reject count
           1 completed connection count
           0 elasticity buffer errors
fza0 FDDI status
Adapter State:                     Running state
LED State:                         Green
Link State:                        On ring running
Duplicate Address Condition:       Absent
Ring Purger State:                 Purger off
Negotiated TRT:                    7.987 ms
Upstream Neighbor Address:         08-00-2B-18-B3-D7
UNA Timed Out:                     False
Downstream Neighbor Address:       08-00-2B-1E-C0-3E
Claim Token Yield:                 False
Frame Strip Mode:                  Source address match
Ring Error Reason:                 No reason
Last Direct Beacon SA:             00-00-00-00-00-00
Physical Port State:               In use
Neighbor Physical Port Type:       Master
Reject Reason:                     No reason
Physical Link Error Estimate:      15
fza0 FDDI characteristics
Link Address:                      08-00-2B-1B-AE-58
Firmware Revision:                 1.2
ROM Revision:                      1.0
SMT Version ID:                    1
Requested TRT:                     8.000 ms
Maximum TRT:                       173.015 ms
Valid Transmission Time:           2.621 ms
LEM Threshold:                     8
Restricted Token Timeout:          1000.000 ms
PMD Type                           ANSI multimode

The Downstream Neighbor Address and Restricted Token Timeout are reported only for the DEFZA firmware revision 1.2 and higher.

The following sections list each field in the previous example alphabetically, and describe each field.

B.2.1    FDDI Counters

This section lists the FDDI counters alphabetically.

ANSI MAC frame count
Explanation: The total number of frames (other than the token frame) seen by this link.

ANSI MAC frame error count
Explanation: The total number of times the media access control (MAC) changed the E indicator in a frame from R to S.

ANSI MAC frames lost count
Explanation: The total number of times a frame (other than the token frame) was improperly terminated.

bridge strip errors
Explanation: The number of times a frame content independent strip operation was terminated by receipt of a token.

bytes received
Explanation: The number of bytes successfully received.

bytes sent
Explanation: The number of bytes successfully transmitted.

completed connection count
Explanation: The number of times the physical (PHY) port entered the In Use state, having completed the initialization process.

data blocks received
Explanation: The number of frames successfully received.

data blocks sent
Explanation: The number of frames successfully transmitted.

duplicate address test failures
Explanation: The number of times the duplicate address test failed.

duplicate tokens detected
Explanation: The number of times the MAC detected a duplicate token, either via the duplicate token detection algorithm or by receiving a token while already holding one.

elasticity buffer errors
Explanation: The number of times the Elasticity Buffer function in the PHY port had an overflow or underflow.

FCS check failures
Explanation: The number of times a received frame failed the Frame Control Status (FCS) check.

frame alignment errors
Explanation: The number of times a received frame had an alignment error.

frame length errors
Explanation: The number of times a received frame had an invalid length, either too long or too short.

frame status errors
Explanation: The number of times a received frame had the E indicator in error but the cyclic redundancy check (CRC) was correct.

LCT reject count
Explanation: The number of times a connection on this physical port was rejected due to failure of the link confidence test (LCT) at either end of the physical connection.

LEM events count
Explanation: The number of errors detected by the link error monitor (LEM) on the physical layer.

LEM reject count
Explanation: The number of times an active connection on this physical port was disconnected due to rejection by the LEM at this end of the physical connection.

multicast blocks received
Explanation: The number of frames successfully received in multicast frames.

multicast blocks sent
Explanation: The number of frames successfully transmitted in multicast frames.

multicast bytes received
Explanation: The number of bytes successfully received in multicast frames.

multicast bytes sent
Explanation: The number of bytes successfully transmitted in multicast frames.

receive data overruns
Explanation: The number of times a frame was discarded because no receive buffer was available.

ring beacon process initiated
Explanation: The number of times the ring beacon process was initiated by this link.

ring beacon process received
Explanation: The number of times the ring beacon process reinitialization was initiated by some other link.

ring purger errors
Explanation: The number of times the ring purger received a token while still in the ring purge state.

ring reinitialization initiated
Explanation: The number of times a ring reinitialization was initiated by this link.

ring reinitialization received
Explanation: The number of times a ring reinitialization was initiated by some other link.

seconds since last zeroed
Explanation: The time at which the link entity was created. This value indicates when the associated counter attributes were set to zero.

send failures
Explanation: The number of times a transmit error (other than transmit underrun) occurred.

system buffers unavailable
Explanation: The number of times a frame was discarded because no link buffer was available.

TNE expired reject count
Explanation: The number of times an active connection on this physical port was disconnected due to rejection by expiration of the noise timer (TNE).

traces initiated
Explanation: The number of times the PC-trace process was initiated by this link.

traces received
Explanation: The number of times the PC-trace process was initiated by some other link.

transmit underrun errors
Explanation: The number of times a transmit underrun error occurred. This indicates the transmit first-in/first-out (FIFO) buffer became empty during frame transmission.

unrecognized frames
Explanation: The number of times a received, individually addressed logical link control (LLC) frame was discarded because there was no data link port.

unrecognized multicast frames
Explanation: The number of times a received LLC frame addressed to a multicast address was discarded because there was no data link port.

user buffers unavailable
Explanation: The number of times a frame was discarded because no user buffer was available.

B.2.2    FDDI Status

This section lists the FDDI status alphabetically.

Adapter state
Explanation: The adapter's current state. This field can have one of the following values:
Halted The adapter has a hardware or firmware error.
Initialized The adapter is initialized and waiting to be enabled.
Maintenance The adapter can only perform loopback operations.
Resetting The adapter is started or reset.
Running State The adapter is enabled.
Uninitialized The adapter is waiting to be initialized.

Claim Token Yield
Explanation: A flag that when set to True indicates that the FDDI MAC entity will yield unconditionally in the claim token process. The FDDI MAC entity sets this flag to True as a safeguard when it believes that its own line address is a duplicate address. If a station with a duplicate address wins the claim token process, the ring might never become operational.

Downstream Neighbor Address
Explanation: The 48-bit hardware address of the station that is on the downstream side of the ring from this station.

Duplicate Address Condition
Explanation: The result of the duplicate address test performed by the FDDI MAC entity of the station. This field can have one of the following conditions:
Absent The FDDI MAC entity determined that there is no duplicate of its own line address on the ring.
Present The FDDI MAC entity determined that a duplicate of its own line address exists on the ring. No data can be transmitted or received on the line until this logical ring fault is resolved.
Unknown The FDDI MAC entity is performing the duplicate address test to determine if any other stations on the ring have the same address as the line.

Frame Strip Mode
Explanation: The frame strip mode used by the station. This field can have one of the following values:
Source Address Match The station strips frames from the ring that contain its own address in the source address field.
Bridge Strip The station maintains a count of frames sent since obtaining the token, sends a void frame when the transmission is complete (two void frames if it is serving as ring purger), and strips the returning frames from the ring until the count of frames sent is decremented to zero. Bridge stripping is used by bridges because they are sensitive to no-owner frames and frequently send frames that do not contain their own address in the source address field.

Last Direct Beacon SA
Explanation: The Last Direct Beacon Station Address. It is filled when the Directed Beacon Received condition shows up in the Ring Error Reason field.

LED State
Explanation: The current state of LED for this adapter. This field can have one of the following values:
Green The adapter is in Running State and the FDDI link is available.
Green and blinking The adapter is in Running State, but the link is unavailable. It may be caused by a disconnected cable.
Off The adapter is not enabled.
Red The adapter is in the Halted state, which is caused by a serious hardware or firmware problem.
Red and blinking The adapter is in an illegal topology or configuration. For example, it is connected to the wrong port of FDDI concentrator.
Red and green Standby.

Link State
Explanation: The operational state of the FDDI MAC entity of the station. This field can have one of the following values:
Broken A hardware problem exists.
Off Fault Recovery The FDDI MAC entity is recovering from a logical ring fault such as a failure of the duplicate address test, a local or remote stuck beaconing condition, or ring operational oscillation.
Off Maintenance The FDDI MAC entity is performing loopback testing and online diagnostics.
Off Ready The FDDI MAC entity is ready for operation but is not yet connected to the logical ring.
On Ring Initializing The FDDI MAC entity is connecting to the logical ring.
On Ring Running The FDDI MAC entity is connected to the logical ring and is fully operational.

Negotiated TRT
Explanation: The negotiated target token rotation time (TTRT) value is referred to as T_Neg in the ANSI FDDI specifications. It is negotiated during the claim token process.

Neighbor Physical Port Type
Explanation: The type of the neighbor physical port. This field can have one of the following values:
A The physical port on a dual attachment wiring concentrator (DAC) or dual attachment station (DAS) that connects to the incoming primary ring and the outgoing secondary ring of the FDDI dual ring.
B The physical port on a dual attachment wiring concentrator (DAC) or dual attachment station (DAS) that connects to the outgoing primary ring and the incoming secondary ring of the FDDI dual ring.
Master One of the physical ports on a wiring concentrator that connects to a single attachment station (SAS) such as a DECbridge 500 device.
Slave The physical port on a single attachment station (SAS) that connects to a wiring concentrator or another SAS. The physical port on a single attachment station (SAS) that connects to a wiring concentrator or another SAS.
Unknown No connection has been established.

Physical Link Error Estimate
Explanation: The current link error rate as estimated by the link error monitor (LEM). For a value of n, the actual rate is 1×10^-n

Physical Port State
Explanation: The operational state of the physical port. This field can have one of the following values:
Broken The physical port failed its diagnostic tests and is nonoperational.
In use The physical port established a connection and is fully operational.
Off maintenance The physical port is reserved for diagnostic testing and loopbacks.
Off ready The physical port is disabled.
Starting The physical port received a response from its neighbor physical port and is exchanging information and performing the link confidence test (LCT) before completing the connection.
Failed Same as Waiting, except that the physical port failed at least once; by failing the link confidence test (LCT) during initialization, by exceeding the link error monitor (LEM) threshold during operation, or because it is part of an illegal topology.
Waiting The physical port is establishing a connection and is waiting for a response from its neighbor physical port.
Watching Same as Starting, except that the physical port failed at least once; by failing the link confidence test (LCT) during initialization, by exceeding the link error monitor (LEM) threshold during operation, or because it is part of an illegal topology.

Reject Reason
Explanation: The reason that the last connection on the physical port was lost. This field is updated every time the physical port loops through the Failed and Watching states. This field can have one of the following values:
LCT Both The link confidence test (LCT) failed on both this physical port and the neighbor physical port.
LCT Local The link confidence test (LCT) failed on this physical port.
LCT Remote The link confidence test (LCT) failed on the neighbor physical port.
LEM Failure The bit error rate on the physical port exceeded the link error monitor (LEM) threshold. The LEM monitors the quality of the link during operation.
No Reason The physical port is initializing. This value is cleared when the physical port enters the In Use state.
Remote Reject The neighbor physical port broke the connection for an unknown reason.
TNE Expired The noise timer expired because a single noise event lasted for more than 1.31072 milliseconds. The noise timer is operational only when the physical port is In Use.
Topology Rules The neighbor physical port is an illegal match for this physical port; for example, an A and an A or a Master and a Master.
Trace in Progress A PC Trace occurred while the physical port was initializing. When a PC trace occurs, any physical ports that have not established a connection are shut down to prevent the topology from changing.
Trace Received, Trace Off The physical port was momentarily disabled because it received a PC trace when its own PC trace function was disabled. The Trace Disable switch is designed to protect the physical port from faulty implementations of the PC trace algorithm. The Trace Disable switch is not remotely manageable.

Ring Error Reason
Explanation: The reason there is an error condition on the ring. This field can have one of the following values:
Beaconing Initiated A station initiated the ring beacon process because its TRT timer expired before the claim token process recovered the ring. The beacon process locates the ring break. The station downstream from the break will be stuck beaconing. (A station is stuck beaconing when its FDDI MAC entity has been beaconing longer than the time defined by the ANSI FDDI parameter T_Stuck.)
Bridge Strip Error A station using bridge frame stripping received a token before decrementing its Sent count to zero. In bridge strip mode, the station maintains a count of frames sent since obtaining the token, and decrements the count each time one of its frames returns.
Directed Beacon Received A station that is stuck beaconing sent a frame to the directed beacon multicast address, indicating the suspected cause of the ring break. (A station is stuck beaconing when its FDDI MAC entity has been beaconing longer than the time defined by the ANSI FDDI parameter T_Stuck.) This is the last recovery procedure before initiating the PC trace.
Duplicate Address Detected A station detected a duplicate of its own address.
Duplicate Token Detected A station received a token while it was holding the token.
Initialization Initiated The FDDI MAC entity of this station initiated the claim token process because it detected a configuration change or a missing token.
Initialization Received Another station initiated the claim token process because it detected a configuration change or a missing token.
No Reason The ring is operating correctly.
OP Oscillation The ring is suffering from ring OP (operational) oscillation. That is it repeatedly comes up briefly and then goes back into initialization. This problem is frequently caused by a duplicate address condition.
PC Trace Initiated A station that is stuck beaconing has forced its upstream neighbors to perform their self-tests. (A station is stuck beaconing when its FDDI MAC entity has been beaconing longer than the time defined by the ANSI FDDI parameter T_Stuck.) PC trace is the most drastic fault recovery procedure.
Purge Error The station serving as the ring purger received a token when it was not expecting one. The station expects two void frames and then the token when it is serving as the ring purger.

Ring Purger State
Explanation: The state of the ring purger algorithm of the station's FDDI MAC entity. This field can have one of the following values:
Candidate The ring is operational and the FDDI MAC entity is bidding to become the ring purger by sending Candidate Hello frames to the ring purger multicast address. The station with the highest station ID becomes the ring purger.
Non Purger The ring is operational and the FDDI MAC entity is not the ring purger, either because another station won the candidate bidding or because this line has a duplicate address.
Purger The ring is operational and the FDDI MAC entity is serving as ring purger, constantly purging the ring of fragments and no-owner frames. The station periodically sends Ring Purger Hello frames to the ring purger multicast address.
Purger Off The ring purger algorithm is not active because the ring is not operational.

UNA Timed Out
Explanation: A flag that when set to True indicates that the FDDI MAC entity has not received a station management (SMT) neighborhood information frame (NIF) from its upstream neighbor for 90 seconds.

Upstream Neighbor Address
Explanation: The 48-bit hardware address of the station that is on the upstream side of the ring from this station.

B.2.3    FDDI Characteristics

This section lists FDDI characteristics alphabetically.

Firmware Revision
Explanation: The revision number of the firmware in the FDDI adapter.

LEM Threshold
Explanation: The link error monitor (LEM) threshold set for the physical port. The LEM monitors the bit error rate (BER) on the physical port during normal operation. When the bit error rate rises above the LEM threshold, the station disables the physical port, preventing it from disrupting the ring.

The LEM threshold is expressed as the absolute value of the exponent of the bit error rate. The legal range for the threshold is 5 through 8, corresponding to the range of bit error rates, which is 1×10^-5 (0.00001) bit errors per second through 1×10^-8 (0.00000001) bit errors per second.

Link Address
Explanation: The 48-bit hardware address of this FDDI network interface.

Maximum TRT
Explanation: The maximum token rotation time (the ANSI FDDI parameter T_Max) that the FDDI MAC entity allows to be negotiated in the claim token process. The default value is 173.015 milliseconds.

PMD Type
Explanation: The type of physical medium to which this physical port is attached. This field can have one of the following values:
Multi Mode Inexpensive thick core fiber combined with light-emitting diode (LED) sources and p-type intrinsic n-type (PIN) detectors.
Single Mode Expensive thin core fiber combined with laser diode sources and avalanche photodiode (APD) detectors.

Requested TRT
Explanation: The ANSI MAC parameter T_req, which is the requested value for the Token Rotation Timer. The default value is 8.0 milliseconds.

Restricted Token Timeout
Explanation: This value limits how long a single restricted mode dialog can last before being terminated.

ROM Revision
Explanation: The version number of the software stored in read-only memory (ROM).

SMT Version ID
Explanation: The version number of the FDDI Station Management (SMT) protocol.

Valid Transmission Time
Explanation: The valid transmission time (TVX) used by the FDDI MAC entity. If the FDDI MAC entity does not receive a valid frame or unrestricted token within the valid transmission time, it initializes the ring. The default value is 2.621 milliseconds.

B.3    Monitoring the Token Ring Interface

You can use the netstat -I tra0 -s command to obtain a listing of the token ring counters and other attributes. The following is sample system output from this command:

tra0 Token ring counters at Thu Mar 24 07:33:00 1993
       82502 seconds since last zeroed
        2230 bytes received
        1704 bytes sent
          34 data blocks received
          20 data blocks sent
         288 multicast bytes received
           8 multicast blocks received
         306 multicast bytes sent
          13 multicast blocks sent
           0 unrecognized frames
           0 unrecognized multicast frames
           0 transmit failures
           0 transmit underrun errors
           1 line errors
           9 internal errors
           4 burst errors
           0 ARI/FCI errors
           0 abort delimiters transmitted
           3 lost frame errors
           0 receive data overruns
           0 frame copied errors
           0 token errors
           9 hard errors
           3 soft errors
           1 adapter resets
           1 signal loss
           5 beacon transmits
           2 ring recoveries
           0 lobe wire faults
           0 removes received
           0 single stations
           0 self test tailures
tra0 Token ring and host information:
MAC address:                           00-00-C9-19-4A-F3
Group address:                         00-C0-00-80-00-00
Functional address:                    00-C0-00-00-00-00
Physical drop number:                  0
Upstream neighbor address:             00-00-10-C9-F5-3B
Upstream physical drop number:         0
Transmit access priority:              0
Last major vector:                     Standby monitor present
Ring status:                           No problems detected
Monitor contender:                     Yes
Soft error timer value:                2000 ms
Local ring number:                     0
Reason for transmitting beacon:        No beacon
Reason for receiving beacon:           No beacon
Last beacon upstream neighbor address: 00-00-10-C9-F3-4A
Beacon station physical drop number:   0
Ring speed:                            4Mbps
Early token release:                   False
Open status:                           Open
Token ring chip:                       TMS380C26

B.3.1    Token Ring Counters

This section lists the token ring counters alphabetically.

abort delimiters transmitted
Explanation: The number of times an abort delimiter was transmitted while transmitting data.

adapter resets
Explanation: The number of times the adapter was reset.

ARI/FCI errors
Explanation: The number of times a standby monitor present (SMP) MAC frame or active monitor present (AMP) MAC frame was received with the address recognized indicator (ARI) or frame copied indicator (FCI) bits set to zero, followed by another SMP MAC frame with the ARI and FCI bits set to zero.

beacon transmits
Explanation: The number of beacon MAC frames transmitted.

burst errors
Explanation: The number of times a burst error was detected.

bytes received
Explanation: The number of bytes successfully received.

bytes sent
Explanation: The number of bytes successfully transmitted.

data blocks received
Explanation: The number of frames successfully received.

data blocks sent
Explanation: The number of frames successfully transmitted.

frame copied errors
Explanation: The number of times a frame with station's recognized address had the frame copied indicator (FCI) set.

hard errors
Explanation: The number of times a streaming error, frequency error, signal loss error, or internal error was detected.

internal errors
Explanation: The number of times recoverable internal error was detected.

line errors
Explanation: The number of times a frame was repeated or copied, the error detected indicator (EDI) was zero in the incoming frame, or one of the following occurred:

  • A code violation occurred between the starting delimiter and ending delimiter of the frame

  • A code violation existed in the token

  • A frame check sequence (FCS) error occurred

lobe wire faults
Explanation: The number of times a wire fault condition was detected.

lost frame errors
Explanation: The number of times an adapter was transmitting data and failed to receive the end of the frame it transmitted.

multicast blocks received
Explanation: The number of frames successfully received in multicast frames.

multicast blocks sent
Explanation: The number of frames successfully transmitted in multicast frames.

multicast bytes received
Explanation: The number of bytes successfully received in multicast frames.

multicast bytes sent
Explanation: The number of bytes successfully transmitted in multicast frames.

receive data overruns
Explanation: The number of times a frame was received and the station had no available buffer space.

removes received
Explanation: The number of times a remove ring station MAC frame was received.

ring recoveries
Explanation: The number of times a ring recovery has occurred.

seconds since last zeroed
Explanation: The number of seconds since the associated counter attributes were set to zero.

self test failures
Explanation: The number of times the self test has failed.

signal loss
Explanation: The number of times a broken ring, faulty wiring concentrator, transmitter malfunction, or receiver malfunction was detected.

single stations
Explanation: The number of times there was only one station on the ring.

soft errors
Explanation: The number of times an error MAC frame was transmitted.

token errors
Explanation: The number of times an active monitor recognized an error condition that required a token be transmitted.

transmit failures
Explanation: The number of times a transmit error (other than transmit underrun) occurred.

transmit underrun errors
Explanation: The number of times a transmit underrun error occurred. This indicates the transmit first-in/first-out (FIFO) buffer became empty during frame transmission.

unrecognized frames
Explanation: The number of times a received, individually addressed logical link control (LLC) frame was discarded because there was no data link port.

unrecognized multicast frames
Explanation: The number of times a received LLC frame addressed to a multicast address was discarded because there was no data link port.

B.3.2    Token Ring and Host Information

This section lists the token ring and host information alphabetically.

Beacon station physical drop number
Explanation: The physical location of the upstream station that transmitted a beacon.

Early token release
Explanation: This field can have one of the following values:
True The station will release the token when it completes frame transmission. The default for 16 Mb/s rings.
False The station will release the token when it receives the transmitted frame header. The default for 4 Mb/s rings.

Functional address
Explanation: The functional address of the station. The following functional addresses are defined:

  • Active monitor

  • Ring parameter server

  • Ring error monitor

  • Network manager

  • Netbios

  • Bridge

Group address
Explanation: The group address of the station.

Last beacon upstream neighbor address
Explanation: The address of the upstream station that transmitted a beacon.

Last major vector
Explanation: The function the adapter is to perform. This field can have one of the following values:
Active monitor present The active monitor requested a standby monitor present MAC frame from its nearest downstream neighbor.
Beacon Used by the adapter in the beacon process.
Change parameters The network manager is changing adapter parameters.
Claim token Used by the adapter in the monitor contention process.
Duplicate address test The adapter is verifying that its address is unique on the ring.
Initialize ring station The ring parameter server is setting adapter parameters.
Lobe media test The adapter is testing the continuity of the wire in a loopback path.
Remove ring station The network manager is requesting the adapter to remove itself from the ring.
Report error The adapter is reporting soft error events to the ring error monitor.
Report monitor error The adapter is reporting a problem with the active monitor or a possible duplicate station address to the ring error monitor.
Report new monitor The active monitor adapter, after winning contention, is reporting this status to the network manager.
Report ring poll failure The active monitor is reporting a failure in the ring poll process to the ring error monitor.
Report station address The adapter is reporting its station address to the network manager.
Report station attachment The adapter is reporting its attachment status to the network manager.
Report station state The adapter is reporting its state to the network manager.
Report SUA change The adapter is reporting a change in the stored upstream address (SUA) to the network manager.
Report transmit forward The adapter is reporting a frame that has been forwarded and stripped to the network manager.
Request initialization The adapter is requesting operational parameters from the ring parameter server.
Request station address The network manager is requesting a report station address MAC frame from the adapter.
Request station attachment The network manager is requesting a report station attachment MAC frame from the adapter.
Request station state The network manager is requesting a report station state MAC frame from the adapter.
Response The adapter is sending a positive acknowledgement to frames that require acknowledgement or is reporting syntax errors in the MAC frame.
Ring purge Used by the active monitor during the ring purge process.
Standby monitor present The adapter is responding to an active monitor present or standby monitor present MAC frame.
Transmit forward Used in the transmit forward process.

Local ring number
Explanation: The local ring number of the station.

MAC address
Explanation: The MAC address of the station.

Monitor contender
Explanation: Indicates whether the station will participate in the monitor contention process. This field can have the following values:
No The station will not participate in the monitor contention process.
Yes The station will participate in the monitor contention process.

Open status
Explanation: The status of the adapter on the ring. This field can have one of the following values:
Close The adapter is not operational on the ring.
Open The adapter is operational on the ring.

Physical drop number
Explanation: The physical location of the station.

Reason for receiving beacon
Explanation: The reason why the adapter is receiving a beacon MAC frame. This field can have one of the following values:
Bit streaming A monitor contention timeout occurred while an adapter was in monitor contention transmit mode and before a claim token MAC frame was received.
Contention streaming A monitor contention timeout occurred while an adapter was in monitor contention mode (transmit or receive) and received one or more claim token MAC frames.
No beacon The adapter is not receiving a beacon MAC frame.
Signal loss An adapter detected a signal loss.

Reason for transmitting beacon
Explanation: The reason why the adapter is transmitting a beacon MAC frame. This field can have one of the following values:
Bit streaming A monitor contention timeout occurred while the adapter was in monitor contention transmit mode and before a claim token MAC frame was received.
Contention streaming A monitor contention timeout occurred while the adapter was in monitor contention mode (transmit or receive) and received one or more claim token MAC frames.
No beacon The adapter is not transmitting a beacon MAC frame.
Signal loss The adapter detected a signal loss on the ring.

Ring speed
Explanation: The ring speed: 4 Mb/s or 16 Mb/s.

Ring status
Explanation: Status reported by the adapter to the driver. This field can have one of the following values:
Auto removal error The adapter failed the lobe wrap test and removed itself from the ring.
Counter overflow One of the adapter's error counters has exceeded its maximum value.
Hard error The adapter is transmitting beacon frames to or receiving beacon frames from the ring.
Lobe wire fault The adapter detected an open or short circuit in the cable between the adapter and the wiring concentrator.
No problems detected The ring is operating normally.
Remove received The adapter received a remove ring station MAC frame request and removed itself from the ring.
Ring recovery The adapter is observing claim token MAC frames on the ring.
Signal loss The adapter detected a loss of signal on the ring.
Single station The adapter sensed that it is the only station on the ring.
Soft error The adapter transmitted a report error MAC frame.
Transmit beacon The adapter is transmitting beacon frames on the ring.

Soft error timer value
Explanation: The number of milliseconds that elapse from the time the adapter detects a soft error until it sends a report error MAC frame to the ring error monitor.

Token ring chip
Explanation: The type of chip used by the sending station.

Transmit access priority
Explanation: The priority level at which this station can access the ring. This field can have a value from 0 (lowest priority) to 7 (highest priority).

Upstream neighbor address
Explanation: The address of the upstream station.

Upstream physical drop number
Explanation: The location of the upstream station.