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bind_manual_setup - Describes how to manually set up the Berkeley Internet Name Domain (BIND) service on your network.


Setting up a BIND domain includes configuring the following: · Primary server · Secondary servers · Caching servers · Slave servers · Clients

Setting Up the Primary Server

There can be only one primary server in a BIND domain. Use the following procedure to set up a BIND primary server: 1. Create the /etc/resolv.conf file. The /etc/resolv.conf file contains the domain name and the Internet Protocol (IP) address for the local host. Format the /etc/resolv.conf file as follows, substituting your domain name for # @(#)resolv.conf # # Description: The resolv.conf file lists name-value pairs that # provide information to the BIND resolver. # # Syntax: domain <domainname> # and # nameserver <address> # # Caution: White space entered after the domain name is not # ignored; it is interpreted as part of the domain name. # # domain <domainname> local domain name # nameserver <address> Internet address of a name server # that the resolver should query # domain nameserver 2. Create the database files by using the following procedure: a. Copy into or create in the /etc/namedb/src directory a file called hosts. The hosts file should have the following format: localhost h1 #BIND server host2 h2 host3 h3 #BIND server host4 host5 h5 · The first field is the IP address. · The second field is the host name. · The third field is for aliases for the host name (optional). · The fourth field is comments, delineated by the number sign (#) (optional). b. Run the make hosts command from within the /etc/namedb directory by entering the following commands: # cd /etc/namedb # make hosts The make hosts command creates the /etc/namedb/hosts.db and /etc/namedb/hosts.rev files. Note Any host names with a domain name different from that for which you are creating the database are ignored. For example, if you create the hosts database for the domain and you have a host name in the file, is ignored. Also, the first host name that the make hosts command encounters that has either no domain name or the default domain name becomes the primary name of the machine. All other names are considered aliases, or CNAMES. For example, for the following entry, the make hosts command considers host2 the primary name of the system and h2 an alias: host2 h2 3. Create the /etc/namedb/ file. The /etc/namedb/ file must read as follows: ; ; BIND data file for initial cache data for root domain servers. ; 99999999 IN A 99999999 IN A ; BIND 99999999 IN A 99999999 IN A 99999999 IN A 99999999 IN A ; BIND 99999999 IN A 99999999 IN A 99999999 IN A ; BIND 99999999 IN A ; BIND 4. Create the /etc/namedb/named.local file. The /etc/namedb/named.local file must contain the following information and be formatted as shown in the following example. Replace with your host and domain name. ; ; BIND data file for local loopback interface. ; @ IN SOA ( 1 ; Serial 3600 ; Refresh 300 ; Retry 3600000 ; Expire 3600 ) ; Minimum IN NS 1 IN PTR localhost. localhost. IN A 5. Create the boot file. The following is a sample named.boot file for a primary server. Replace with your domain name and 120.105 with your network number: # @(#)named.boot # # Description: The named.boot file is required to boot a BIND # name server. # # Syntax: directory <directory_name> # ;[comment] # type domain source host/file # # <directory_name> Location where domain data files are stored. # ;[comment] Text following the ';' character is ignored. # type Specifies primary, secondary, or forwarder # server. # domain Name of the BIND domain. # source host IP address of the server distributing the # database listed under 'file'; not applicable # for primary servers. # file Name of database being distributed by # 'source host'. # directory /etc/namedb ; ; type domain source host/file primary hosts.db primary hosts.rev ; ; primary named.local ; ; load the cache data last cache . The database files are stored in the /etc/namedb directory by default. You can store database files in any directory; however, if you place them in a directory other than the default directory, you should change the /etc/namedb in the boot file to the name of the directory you have chosen. 6. Edit the /etc/rc.config file by using the /usr/sbin/rcmgr utility. The syntax for the /usr/sbin/rcmgr command is as follows: /usr/sbin/rcmgr set variable value Enter the following commands to edit the /etc/rc.config file and add the required information: # /usr/sbin/rcmgr set BIND_CONF YES # /usr/sbin/rcmgr set BIND_SERVERTYPE PRIMARY # /usr/sbin/rcmgr set BIND_SERVERARGS "-b /etc/namedb/named.boot" 7. Edit the /etc/hosts file with the fully qualified BIND name of the host. To run BIND, your system's host name must include the BIND domain name. The fully qualified BIND host name consists of the local host name plus the BIND domain name, separated by dots. For example, the fully qualified BIND host name for a system whose local host name is host1 and whose BIND domain name is is See the hosts(4) reference page for more information. 8. Edit the /etc/rc.config file by using the /usr/sbin/rcmgr utility. The syntax for the /usr/sbin/rcmgr command is as follows: /usr/sbin/rcmgr set variable value Enter the following command to edit the /etc/rc.config file and add the required information: # /usr/sbin/rcmgr set HOSTNAME Replace with your system's fully qualified BIND name. 9. Set the new host name with the /sbin/hostname command. For example, to set the host name to for a system that was previously known locally as host1, enter the following command: # /sbin/hostname 10. Start the named daemon by issuing the following command: # /sbin/init.d/named start

Setting Up a Secondary Server

Use the following procedure to set up a BIND secondary server: 1. Create the /etc/resolv.conf file. See step 1 in the Setting Up the Primary Server section. 2. Create the /etc/namedb/ file. See step 3 in the Setting Up the Primary Server section. 3. Create the /etc/namedb/named.local file. See step 4 in the Setting Up the Primary Server section. 4. Create the boot file. A boot file for a secondary server should have the format shown in the following example. Replace with your domain name, 120.105 with your network number, and with the IP address of your domain's BIND primary server: # @(#)named.boot # # Description: The named.boot file is required to boot a BIND # name server. # # Syntax: directory <directory_name> # ;[comment] # type domain source host/file # # <directory_name> Location where domain data files are stored. # ;[comment] text following the ';' character is ignored. # type Specifies primary, secondary, or forwarder # server. # domain Name of the BIND domain. # source host IP address of the server distributing the # database listed under 'file'; not applicable # for primary servers. # file Name of database being distributed by # 'source host'. # directory /etc/namedb ; ; type domain source host/file secondary hosts.db secondary hosts.rev ; ; primary named.local ; ; load the cache data last cache . The following entry indicates that this host serves itself its own local host information: primary named.local The default directory in which the database files are stored is /etc/namedb. You can store them in any directory; however, if you place them in a directory other than the default directory you should change the /etc/namedb at the top of the boot file to the name of the directory you have chosen. 5. Edit the /etc/rc.config file by using the /usr/sbin/rcmgr utility. The syntax for the /usr/sbin/rcmgr command is as follows: /usr/sbin/rcmgr set variable value Enter the following commands to edit the /etc/rc.config file and add the required information: # /usr/sbin/rcmgr set BIND_CONF YES # /usr/sbin/rcmgr set BIND_SERVERTYPE SECONDARY # /usr/sbin/rcmgr set BIND_SERVERARGS "-b /etc/namedb/named.boot" 6. Edit the /etc/hosts file to add the fully qualified BIND name of the host. In order to run BIND, your system's host name must include the BIND domain name. The fully qualified BIND host name consists of the local host name plus the BIND domain name, separated by dots. For example, the fully qualified BIND host name for a system whose local host name is host2 and whose BIND domain name is is See the hosts(4) reference page for more information. 7. Edit the /etc/rc.config file by using the /usr/sbin/rcmgr utility. The syntax for the /usr/sbin/rcmgr command is as follows: /usr/sbin/rcmgr set variable value Enter the following command to edit the /etc/rc.config file and add the required information: # /usr/sbin/rcmgr set HOSTNAME Replace with your system's fully qualified BIND name. 8. Set the new host name with the /sbin/hostname command. For example, to set the host name to for a system that was previously known locally as host2, enter the following command: # /sbin/hostname 9. Start the named daemon by issuing the following command: # /sbin/init.d/named start

Setting Up a Caching Server

Use the following procedure to set up a BIND caching server: 1. Create the /etc/resolv.conf file. See step 1 in the Setting Up the Primary Server section. 2. Create the /etc/namedb/ file. See step 3 in the Setting Up the Primary Server section. 3. Create the /etc/namedb/named.local file. See step 4 in the Setting Up the Primary Server section. 4. Create the boot file. The following is a sample named.boot file for a caching server. Replace information that is appropriate for a caching server in your domain: # @(#)named.boot # # Description: The named.boot file is required to boot a BIND # name server. # # Syntax: directory <directory_name> # ;[comment] # type domain source host/file # # <directory_name> Location where domain data files are stored. # ;[comment] Text following the ';' character is ignored. # type Specifies primary, secondary, or forwarder # server. # domain Name of the BIND domain. # source host IP address of the server distributing the # database listed under 'file'; not applicable # for primary servers. # file Name of database being distributed by # 'source host'. # directory /etc/namedb ; ; type domain source host/file primary named.local ; ; load the cache data last cache . The default directory in which the database files are stored is /etc/namedb. You can store them in any directory; however, if you place them in a directory other than the default directory you should change the /etc/namedb entry at the top of the boot file to the name of the directory you have chosen. 5. Edit the /etc/rc.config file by using the /usr/sbin/rcmgr utility. The syntax for the /usr/sbin/rcmgr command is as follows: /usr/sbin/rcmgr set variable value Enter the following commands to edit the /etc/rc.config file and add the required information: # /usr/sbin/rcmgr set BIND_CONF YES # /usr/sbin/rcmgr set BIND_SERVERTYPE CACHING # /usr/sbin/rcmgr set BIND_SERVERARGS "-b /etc/namedb/named.boot" 6. Edit the /etc/hosts file with the fully qualified BIND name of the host. In order to run BIND, your system's host name must include the BIND domain name. The fully qualified BIND host name consists of the local host name plus the BIND domain name, separated by dots. For example, the fully qualified BIND host name for a system whose local host name is host3 and whose BIND domain name is is See the hosts(4) reference page for more information. 7. Edit the /etc/rc.config file by using the /usr/sbin/rcmgr utility. The syntax for the /usr/sbin/rcmgr command is as follows: /usr/sbin/rcmgr set variable value Enter the following command to edit the /etc/rc.config file and add the required information: # /usr/sbin/rcmgr set HOSTNAME Replace with your system's fully qualified BIND name. 8. Set the new host name with the /sbin/hostname command. For example, to set the host name to for a system that was previously known locally as host3, enter the following command: # /sbin/hostname 9. Start the named daemon by issuing the following command: # /sbin/init.d/named start

Setting Up a Slave Server

Use the following procedure to set up a BIND slave server: 1. Create the /etc/resolv.conf file. See step 1 in the Setting Up the Primary Server section. 2. Create the /etc/namedb/named.local file. See step 4 in the Setting Up the Primary Server section. 3. Create the boot file. The following is a sample named.boot file for a slave server. Replace with the IP address of the BIND primary server in your domain: ; ; BIND data file to boot a slave name server. ; ; directory where all the data files are stored directory /etc/namedb ; ; type domain source host/file primary named.local ; slave forwarders The default directory in which the database files are stored is /etc/namedb. You can store them in any directory; however, if you place them in a directory other than the default directory you should change the /etc/namedb entry at the top of the boot file to the name of the directory you have chosen. 4. Edit the /etc/rc.config file by using the /usr/sbin/rcmgr utility. The syntax for the /usr/sbin/rcmgr command is as follows: /usr/sbin/rcmgr set variable value Enter the following commands to edit the /etc/rc.config file and add the required information: # /usr/sbin/rcmgr set BIND_CONF YES # /usr/sbin/rcmgr set BIND_SERVERTYPE SLAVE # /usr/sbin/rcmgr set BIND_SERVERARGS "-b /etc/namedb/named.boot" 5. Edit the /etc/hosts file and add the fully qualified BIND name of the host. To run BIND, your system's host name must include the BIND domain name. The fully qualified BIND host name consists of the local host name plus the BIND domain name, separated by dots. For example, the fully qualified BIND host name for a system whose local host name is host4 and whose BIND domain name is is See the hosts(4) reference page for more information. 6. Edit the /etc/rc.config file by using the /usr/sbin/rcmgr utility. The syntax for the /usr/sbin/rcmgr command is as follows: /usr/sbin/rcmgr set variable value Enter the following command to edit the /etc/rc.config file and add the required information: # /usr/sbin/rcmgr set HOSTNAME Replace with your system's fully qualified BIND name. 7. Set the new host name with the /sbin/hostname command. For example, to set the host name to for a system that was previously known locally as host4, enter the following command: # /sbin/hostname 8. Start the named daemon by issuing the following command: # /sbin/init.d/named start

Setting Up a Client

Use the following procedure to set up a BIND client: 1. Create the /etc/resolv.conf file. The /etc/resolv.conf file for a client contains the domain name and IP addresses of up to three servers for the domain. These name servers are the systems that the local host can query to resolve host information. Format the /etc/resolv.conf file as follows, replacing your domain name for and the IP addresses of your name servers for,, and ; ; BIND data file ; domain nameserver nameserver nameserver See step 1 in the Setting up a Slave Server. 2. Edit the /etc/rc.config file by using the /usr/sbin/rcmgr utility. The syntax for the /usr/sbin/rcmgr command is as follows: /usr/sbin/rcmgr set variable value Enter the following commands to edit the /etc/rc.config file and add the required information: # /usr/sbin/rcmgr set BIND_CONF YES # /usr/sbin/rcmgr set BIND_SERVERTYPE CLIENT

Post-Setup Procedures

After you configure BIND on your system, you must restart the sendmail process and edit the /etc/svc.conf file. Restarting the sendmail Process To kill and restart the sendmail process, enter the following command: # /sbin/init.d/sendmail restart Editing the svc.conf File The /etc/svc.conf file is the database service selection configuration file that your system references to determine what distributed database lookup services are running on your system, which databases are being served by them, and in what order to query them. After configuring BIND, you must edit the /etc/svc.conf file to tell your system that you want BIND servers queried for host name and address information. For information on editing the /etc/svc.conf file, see the svc.conf(4) and svcsetup(8) reference pages and the Network Administration manual.


bind_intro(7), bindconfig(8X), bindsetup(8), named(8), nslookup(8), resolv.conf(4), svc.conf(4) svcsetup(8) Network Administration