

Das PHYSnet-RZ



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6.10.2000              Störung sämtlicher Netzverbindungen in die USA


Seit 5.10.2000 nachmittags ist der Übergang des Wissenschaftsnetzes DFN in die amerikanischen

Netze unterbrochen, es können daher derzeit keinerlei Verbindungen zu amerikanischen Rechnern

Hergestellt werden.

Das DFN ist unterrichtet, ein Zeitplan für die Fehlerbeseitigung ist bislang nicht bekannt. Das Problem ist jetzt(um 14:19 ) wieder behoben . Eine Fehlerbeschreibung von Seiten des DFN liegt vor: 06.10.2000 13:55 Uhr hw ----------------------- ob Evans TEN-155 NOC meldet: I believe the US problems should be resolved now (pending propagation of the route everywhere). It seems that for the second time in recent weeks, a routine update of the BGP filters on UUNET's side went wrong, and they ended up truncating the ACL. I have asked them if there was a way in which we can reduce the chance of these errors happening in future, and all they could suggest is that we send them the entire ACL instead of just updates (which is contrary to what they had asked us to do before). I am very sorry for the problems this has caused, and the length of time it took to get it resolved, it seems as though the entries were corrupted in different ways on each of the peerings, which meant I started looking at it as a problem with the loadsharing we do based on communities influencing the local-preference on UUNET's side.