8    Network File System

The Network File System (NFS) is a facility for sharing files in a heterogeneous environment. This chapter describes describes the NFS environment, how to plan for NFS, how to configure your system for NFS, and how to manage NFS servers and clients, including how to export and import file systems.

For introductory information on NFS, see nfs_intro(7).

8.1    The NFS Environment

In the NFS environment, systems can have the following roles:

Your system can be set up as an NFS server, an NFS client, or both.

8.1.1    Distributing the hosts Database

If your network is running NIS or Berkeley Internet Name Domain (BIND) to distribute host information, you do not need to list each server that is referenced in a client's /etc/fstab file in the client's local /etc/hosts file. However, the server's host information must be in the NIS or BIND database.

Similarly, if your network is running NIS or BIND to distribute host information and the client information is listed in the hosts database, you do not have to list each client that is referenced in a server's /etc/exports file in the server's local /etc/hosts file.

8.1.2    Automount and NFS

The automount daemon offers an alternative to mounting remote file systems with the /etc/fstab file, allowing you to mount them on an as-needed basis.

When a user on a system using the automount daemon invokes a command that must access a remotely mounted file or directory, the automount daemon mounts that file system or directory and keeps it mounted for as long as the user needs it. When a specified amount of time elapses (the default is 5 minutes) without the file system or directory being accessed, the automount daemon unmounts it.

You specify the file systems to be mounted in automount maps. These maps may be customized to suit your environment and administered in the following ways:

See Appendix C for information on writing automount maps.    NIS and automount Maps

NIS allows you to create and distribute customized maps and, typically, is used to distribute automount maps. Therefore, if NIS is used on your network to distribute automount maps, your system must be an NIS client. When NIS is used to distribute automount maps, the administrator of the NIS master server creates and administers the maps for the NIS domain.

If many clients in an environment remotely mount a file system by specifying it in their /etc/fstab file, that file system is a good candidate for inclusion in a map distributed by NIS. Carefully constructed automount maps can allow client systems to eliminate a large part of their /etc/fstab files. If the location of a file system that is included in a distributed automount map changes, or its server changes, the administrator of automount maps changes the map on the NIS master server. The change is then propagated throughout the domain without users on the client systems having to edit their /etc/fstab files.

See Section 7.3.1 for information on configuring a master NIS server to serve automount maps.    Local automount Maps

Local automount maps might be useful to you under the following circumstances:

Administering the automount daemon locally is the same as administering it when NIS distributes the maps, except that you, as administrator of your system, create and manage automount maps.

A local auto.master map serves the same function as one distributed in an NIS domain. If a local auto.master is specified, the automount daemon consults it for the location of other maps, their local mount points, and the mount options. You can use an auto.master map that is distributed by NIS, a local auto.master map, both, or neither, if the automount daemon is invoked correctly.

8.2    NFS Planning

Appendix A contains a worksheet that you can use to record the information that you need to provide to configure NFS. If you are viewing this manual online, you can use the print feature to print a copy of this part of the worksheet.

Figure 8-1 shows Part 7 of the Configuration Worksheet. The following sections explain the information you need to record in Part 7 of the worksheet.

Figure 8-1: Configuration Worksheet, Part 7

System role
Whether your system will be an NFS server, an NFS client, or both.

8.2.1    Server

Number of TCP server daemons
Enter the number of nfsd TCP server daemons to run. These service requests from NFS clients. The default number of 8 is adequate for an average work load. You can configure a combined total of 0 to 128 TCP and UDP server threads. See nfsd(8) for information on starting the nfsd daemon from the command line.

Number of UDP server daemons
Enter the number of UDP server daemons to run. The default number of 8 is adequate for an average work load. You can configure a combined total of 0 to 128 TCP and UDP server threads. See nfsd(8) for information on starting the nfsd daemon from the command line.

NFS locking
If you want to run the NFS lock manager rpc.lockd and status monitor (rpc.statd), check YES. Running these daemons allows users to use fcntl(2) and lockf(3) to lock file regions on NFS files (in addition to local files). If you do not run these daemons, users can only use advisory locking primitives on local files.

PCNFS daemon
If you want to run the PC-NFS daemon (rpc.pcnfsd), check YES.

Otherwise, check NO.

Allow nonroot mounts
If you allow nonroot mounts (by setting the NONROOTMOUNTS parameter to 1), users on client systems who do not have root privileges can still mount the file systems or directories exported from this system. If you do not allow nonroot mounts, only the superusers on the client systems can mount file systems from this host. The default setting does not allow nonroot mounts.

The path name of the file systems or directories that you intend to export.

The permissions to assign for each exported file system or directory. You can specify whether a file system or directory is exported with read-write (rw) or read-only (ro) permission, and you can map client superuser access to a root user ID (UID) number other than the default of -2. For more information on assigning permissions to exported file systems or directories and on specifically mapping the root UID for clients, see exports(4).

Network groups/Node name
The network groups or individual host names to which you will export these file systems or directories. If you want to limit the hosts that can import a file system or directory, you must explicitly specify the individual hosts or network groups in the /etc/exports file. If you do not specify individual hosts or network groups, all hosts can import that file system or directory. For information on defining network groups, see netgroup(4).

8.2.2    Client

Number of I/O daemons
The number of block I/O (nfsiod), daemons to run. The default number of 7 is recommended for optimum load generation on Digital UNIX servers. You can configure from 0 to 20 nfsiod daemons.

In addition, you can start nfsiod daemons from the command line. See nfsiod(8) for information on starting nfsiod daemons from the command line.

NFS locking
If you want to run the NFS lock manager (rpc.lockd) and status monitor (rpc.statd), check YES. Running these daemons allows users to use fcntl(2) and lockf(3) to lock file regions on NFS files (in addition to local files). If you do not run these daemons, users can only use advisory locking primitives on local files.

Remote server name
The host name of the servers from which you are importing file systems or directories.

If the client is to run the automount daemon and use automount maps, check YES. If the network is running the Network Information Service (NIS), the automount maps are better administered and served from the master NIS server. The format of the maps is the same whether they are local or served by the NIS master server. For information on creating automount maps, see Appendix C.

Otherwise, check NO.

Directory path
The complete pathnames of the file systems or directories that you want to import.

Local mount point
The mount point on the local system where you want the imported file systems or directories to reside.

Read-only mount
The permissions for the imported file systems or directories


If you mount your user area from a server, make sure that your UID on the client is the same as your UID on the server. NFS uses your client UID to check against file access permissions on the server. If your UID is different on the client and server, you cannot modify your own NFS mounted files (assuming that you have the permissions on the mounted files set so that only you can modify them). Since the server does the access checking, the only UID allowed to modify the files is the one that the server knows.

8.3    Configuring NFS

Digital recommends that you use the NFS Configuration application of the Common Desktop Environment (CDE) Application Manager for configuring NFS on systems with graphics capabilities. You can configure clients, servers, and designate imported and exported filesystems.

See nfsconfig(8X) for more information on the BIND Configuration Application.

To invoke the NFS Configuration application, log in as root and do the following:

  1. Click on the Application Manager icon on the CDE front panel.

  2. Double-click on the System_Admin application group icon.

  3. Double-click on the Digital System_Management_Utilities application group icon.

  4. Double-click on the Configuration application group icon.

  5. Double-click on the NFS Configuration application icon. The NFS Configuration main window is displayed, showing available NFS service types and configured NFS service types.

To exit the NFS Configuration application, choose File then Exit.


For systems without graphics capabilities, you can use the nfssetup utility. See nfssetup(8) for more information.

The NFS Configuration application also has an extensive online help system. You can use it instead of the instructions in this section to configure NFS on your system.

8.3.1    Configuring an NFS Server

To configure an NFS server, do the following:

  1. In the NFS Configuration main window, select NFS Server Setup from the Available NFS Services list box.

  2. Click on Configure. The NFS Server Setup dialog box appears.

  3. Enter the number of server TCP daemons to be run in the input text field, or use the Increment or Decrement buttons to specify the appropriate number of server TCP daemons.

  4. Enter the number of server UDP daemons to be run in the input text field, or use the Increment or Decrement buttons to specify the appropriate number of server UDP daemons.

  5. Set the Configure for Locking check button to the on position to specify locking configuration if the status of the lockd daemon is Stopped. If the status of the daemon is Running, locking is already set.

  6. Click on the Configure PC NFS check button to run the PC-NFS rpc.pcnfsd daemon.

    If you run the PC-NFS daemon, you must export to the client the directories you want to mount on the PC client. Also, you must export the /usr/spool/pcnfs directory to the PC client to enable the client to utilize network printing. For information on exporting directories, see Section 8.4.1.

  7. Set the Allow Non-Root Mounts check button to the on position to allow file systems to be mounted by users other than root if the status of the daemon is Stopped. If the status of the daemon is Running, mounting by non-root users is already set.

  8. Click on Commit. This accepts the configuration, starts the appropriate daemons, and closes the NFS Server Setup dialog box.

If your system is also going to be an NFS client, see Section 8.3.2 for information on configuring an NFS client. If your system is to export directories or import directories, go to Section 8.4.1 or Section 8.5.1, respectively.

8.3.2    Configuring an NFS Client

To configure an NFS client, do the following:

  1. In the NFS Configuration main window, select NFS Client Setup from the Available NFS Services list box.

  2. Click on Configure. The NFS Client Setup dialog box appears.

  3. Enter the number of client daemons to be run in the input text field, or use the Increment or Decrement buttons to specify the appropriate number of client daemons.

  4. Set the Configure for Locking check button to the on position to specify locking configuration if the status of the lockd daemon is Stopped. If the status of the daemon is Running, locking is already set.

  5. Set the Configure for Automount check button to the on position to configure the automountd daemon if the status of the daemon is Stopped. If the status of the daemon is Running, automounting is already configured.

    See Section 8.1.2 for information on automount and Appendix C for information on automount maps.

  6. Enter appropriate arguments to the automountd daemon in the Automount arguments input text field. Specify the argument list to pass to the automount daemon.

    You can later change the automount daemon argument list by using a rcmgr command to set the AUTOMOUNT_ARGS variable.

    For more information, see automount(8) and rcmgr(8).

  7. Click on Commit. This accepts the configuration, starts the appropriate daemons, and updates the status of the daemons.

  8. Click on Close to close the NFS Client Setup dialog box.

If you want to import directories, go to Section 8.5.1.

8.4    Managing an NFS Server

This section describes how to perform the following NFS server tasks:

You might have to reconfigure NFS on your system, whether to make a client system a server system or to increase the number of NFS daemons. See Section 8.2 for this information.

8.4.1    Exporting a File System or Directory

Exporting a file system or directory makes it available for client systems on the network to mount remotely. If you want your system to be an NFS server and to export file systems and directories, be aware that your system will be less secure. However, depending on how you export your files, you can minimize the security risks.    Exporting a File System with the NFS Configuration Application

To export a file system using the NFS Configuration Application, do the following:

  1. Log in as root.

  2. In the NFS Configuration main window, click on File Sharing. The File System Sharing main window appears.

  3. Select FileShare then Share Local File. The Share Local File dialog box appears.

  4. Enter the full pathname of the directory to be exported in the Directory input text block.

  5. Select whether the file has read only or read/write access and whether all hosts or only selected hosts can have access. By default, the file is exported read/write to all hosts.

  6. Click on the down arrow icon to display the expert options. By default, there is no root access allowed and the anonymous UID is 2.

  7. Click on Apply. Repeat steps 3, 4, and 5 if you want to export additional files.

  8. Click on OK. This closes the Share Local File dialog box.

  9. Select FileShare then Exit to close the File System Sharing main window.    Exporting a File System Manually

To export a file system or directory, do the following:

  1. Edit the /etc/exports file on your system and create an entry for the file system or directory to be exported. The following example shows entries from a sample :/etc/exportsfile

    /usr/local    [1]
    /usr/staff/doe host3     [2]
    /usr/staff -ro host7     [3]
    /usr2 host7 host3 host1     [4]
    /usr/scratch -rw=host2    [5]
    /usr/src -rw=host1:host2 host5 host7   [6]

    1. Exports the /usr/local file system. It can be mounted remotely (read-write) by any NFS client on the network. [Return to example]

    2. Exports the /usr/staff/doe subdirectory. It can be mounted remotely (read-write) only by host3. [Return to example]

    3. Exports the /usr/staff file system. It can be mounted remotely (read-only) only by host7. Client host7 also has read-only access to /usr/staff/doe exported in the second entry. [Return to example]

    4. Exports the /usr2 directory. It can be mounted remotely (read-write) only by host7, host3, and host1. [Return to example]

    5. Exports the /usr/scratch file system to all hosts. Only host2 is allowed read-write access. [Return to example]

    6. Exports the /usr/src file system to host1, host2, host5, and host7. Only host1 and host2 are allowed read-write access. [Return to example]

    See exports(4) for more information on the /etc/exports file.

  2. Check that the NFS server daemons mountd, portmap, and nfsd are running, using the ps command as follows:

    ps -e | grep daemon_name

    If they are running, go to the next step. If they are not running, start them by using the following commands:

    /sbin/init.d/nfs start
    /sbin/init.d/nfsmount start

  3. Verify the exported files by using the showmount -e command.

    The file system or directory is exported automatically when a mount request is received.

NFS servers use the standard operating system file access protection scheme. This scheme protects files from all users except root. An NFS client sends user and group IDs to the server along with an NFS file access request. The server uses this information to allow or disallow the request.    Export Guidelines

The /etc/exports file defines an export list for each of the file systems and directories that a client can mount. When creating entries in the /etc/exports file, remember the following:

8.4.2    Halting Export of a Directory or File System

Halting export of a directory or file system prevents client systems from accessing the particular directory or file system. You can still export other directories or file systems.

To halt the export of a directory or file system, do the following:

  1. Delete from the /etc/exports file the entry for the directory or file system you do not want to export.

  2. Verify that the entry is no longer in the exports list by using the following command:

    showmount -e

  3. If you do not want to export any directories or file systems, stop the nfsd daemons by using the following commands:

    ps -e | grep nfsd
    kill -9 process_id1 process_id2 ...

8.4.3    Enabling Client Superuser Access to Files

By default under NFS, a superuser (root) on a client system does not have superuser privileges on the server and cannot do the following:

For security reasons, you typically should not allow a remote superuser access to your system as superuser unless both the remote host and superuser are trusted. However, in a friendly network environment, you can explicitly allow superuser access over the network.

To allow a superuser on a client access to your server system, edit the /etc/exports file on your server and add the -root=0 option to the entry you want to make available. The -root=0 option maps the remote superuser's identification to UID 0. All future mount requests will be honored with root mapping. By default, this option allows superuser access from any client system on the network. To restrict the superuser access to specific systems, use the -root=host_list option, where host_list is a list of host names. See exports(4) for more information.

By default, NFS servers regard superusers and those users without UNIX authentication (personal computer systems) as anonymous users. This class of users can only access files that are accessible to the world. To prevent anonymous users from accessing file systems or directories, use the -anon=-1 option. If you still want to allow client superusers access to the file systems or directories, specify the -root option in addition to the -anon option. The -root option overrides the -anon option for client superusers only.

A superuser on a client system can assume the identity of any other user on the client system by substituting the UID number. The client superuser could then have the access rights of another user on the server. Therefore, to protect sensitive exported data on the server, make root the owner of the data files and do not export the directory or file system with root mapping. This is useful if you need to export other files in the file system.

The following example shows entries in an /etc/exports file:

/usr/games -root=0 host8    [1]
/usr/templates -root=host8    [2]

  1. Exports the /usr/games file system. It can be mounted remotely (read-write) only by the client system host8. However, the client superuser has superuser access to the file system. The superuser's UID is 0 (zero). [Return to example]

  2. Exports the /usr/templates file system. It can be mounted remotely (read-write) by any client in the network. However, only the superuser on host8 has superuser access to the file system. [Return to example]

8.4.4    Sending Mail to Superuser (root) Across NFS

If the /usr/spool/mail directory is remotely mounted from the server, you might not be able to send mail to superuser (root) on the server. The reason is most systems do not export the /usr/spool/mail directory with the root=0 option. To enable clients to send mail to root, set the root and admin aliases to the login name or names of the system administrators for that system. Then, users can address all mail intended for the administrators of that system as follows:


To enable clients to send mail to root, follow these steps:

  1. Edit the /var/adm/sendmail.cf file and add the alias name admin to the following line:

    CN MAILER-DAEMON postmaster

    The line should then look as follows:

    CN MAILER-DAEMON postmaster admin

    This adds the name admin to the class N.

    Alternatively, you can run the Mail Configuration application and add admin as a local user. See Chapter 11 for more information.

  2. Edit the /var/adm/sendmail/aliases file, add the login names of the system administrators, and redefine (alias) the name root to be admin.

  3. Restart the sendmail daemon by using the following command:

    /sbin/init.d/sendmail restart

If you are enabling clients to send mail to root, remember the following:

The following example shows the steps involved in enabling clients to send mail to root.

vi /var/adm/sendmail/sendmail.cf
vi /var/adm/sendmail/aliases
/sbin/init.d/sendmail restart

  1. Opens the /var/adm/sendmail/sendmail.cf file to add the admin alias. [Return to example]

  2. Opens the /var/adm/sendmail/aliases file to add the login names and root alias. [Return to example]

  3. Restarts the sendmail daemon. [Return to example]

The following example shows entries in the /var/adm/sendmail/aliases file for the system administrators john, mary, and joe:


8.4.5    Enabling Port Monitoring

Only privileged users can attach to Internet domain source ports known as privileged ports. By default, NFS does not check to see if a client is bound to a privileged port. You might want to activate NFS server port monitoring to be sure that file access requests were generated by the client kernel rather than forged by an application program.

Although this operating system enforces the privileged port convention, some operating systems do not. If hosts running a different operating system are on your network, activating port checking might not improve security, but could prevent those systems from functioning properly as NFS client systems.

To start NFS server port monitoring, enter the following command:

/usr/sbin/nfsportmon on

To stop source port monitoring, enter the following command:

/usr/sbin/nfsportmon off

8.4.6    Monitoring the NFS Load

Monitoring the NFS load allows you to see the number of NFS requests, both client and server, being executed on the local machine. You should periodically monitor NFS requests to determine whether you need additional NFS daemons.

To monitor NFS requests, use the nfsstat command with the following syntax:

nfsstat -n

See nfsstat(8) for more information on monitoring NFS load.

The following example shows the client and server activity on a local machine:

/usr/bin/nfsstat -n

calls      badcalls
69228      0
Server nfs V2:
null       getattr    setattr    root       lookup     readlink   read
1  0%      24 0%      0  0%      0  0%      60  0%     0  0%      5  0%
wrcache    write      create     remove     rename     link       symlink
0  0%      58030 83%  20  0%     0  0%      0  0%      0  0%      0  0%
mkdir      rmdir      readdir    statfs
0  0%      0  0%      0  0%      2  0%
Server nfs V3:
null       getattr    setattr    lookup     access     readlink   read
0  0%      667  0%    1009  1%   2598  3%   101  0%    200  0%    1408  2%
write      create     mkdir      symlink    mknod      remove     rmdir
1280  1%   376  0%    71  0%     200  0%    0  0%      676  0%    70  0%
rename     link       readdir    readdir+   fsstat     fsinfo     pathconf
100  0%    100  0%    468  0%    0  0%      1750  2%   2  0%      0  0%
10  0%
Client nfs:
calls      badcalls   nclget     nclsleep
224664     0          224664     0
Client nfs V2:
null       getattr    setattr    root       lookup     readlink   read
0  0%      51328 22%  1069  0%   0  0%      41643 18%  455  0%    28793  12%
wrcache    write      create     remove     rename     link       symlink
0  0%      64665 28%  589  0%    1052  0%   352  0%    250  0%    250  0%
mkdir      rmdir      readdir    statfs
171  0%    170  0%    2689  1%   1814  0%
Client nfs V3:
null       getattr    setattr    lookup     access     readlink   read
0  0%      2038  0%   2180  0%   8534  3%   430  0%    450  0%    3136  1%
write      create     mkdir      symlink    mknod      remove     rmdir
3158  1%   1048  0%   243  0%    450  0%    1  0%      1848  0%   242  0%
rename     link       readdir    readdir+   fsstat     fsinfo     pathconf
452  0%    350  0%    1240  0%   0  0%      3506  1%   3  0%      0  0%
75  0%

8.5    Managing an NFS Client

Your system can be an NFS client if the following conditions exist:

This section describes how to perform the following NFS client tasks:

8.5.1    Mounting a Remote File System or Directory

You can mount a remote file system or any subdirectory within a remote file system onto a local mount point. While mounted, it is treated as a file system by the local system. The file system or subdirectory must also be entered in the remote system's /etc/exports file.    Mounting a Remote File System using NFS Configuration Application

To mount a remote file system or directory on systems with graphics capabilities, use the NFS Configuration Application as follows:

  1. In the NFS Configuration main window, click on File Sharing. The File System Sharing main window displays.

  2. Select FileShare then Share Remote File. The Share Remote File Dialog box displays.

  3. Enter the full pathname of the directory in the Get Directory input text box.

  4. Enter the host name of the system from which you are importing the directory in the From Host input text box.

  5. Enter the local mount point in the Put Files In input text box. If the local mount point does not exist, one is created by default.


    Place mount points to different servers in separate directory trees. Some directories (such as /usr) in complex production environments might be too large for you to adhere strictly to this recommendation. In such cases, try to minimize the number of mount points to different servers that occur in any given directory.

  6. If you want to mount this file at each time your system starts, click on Make Permanent. This creates an entry in the /etc/fstab file.

  7. If you want to select NFS options, click on the down arrow icon. By default, files are imported with the following options: read-write, hard, retry in foreground, and non-interruptable. See Section for list of some options.

  8. Click on Apply. If you want to import additional files, go to step 3 and repeat the succeeding steps.

  9. Click on OK. This closes the Share Remote File dialog box.

  10. Select FileShare then Exit. This closes the File System Sharing main window.

See nfsconfig(8X) for more information.    Mounting a Remote File System Manually

To manually mount a remote file system or directory, do the following:

  1. Create a directory (mount point) on the local system.

    Typically, people create a directory with the same name as the remote host because it is easier to remember where the remotely mounted file systems and directories reside.

  2. Mount the remote file system or directory by using either of the two following mount command formats:

    mount -t nfs server_name:/filesystem /mount_point
    mount -t nfs filesystem@server_name /mount_point

    The following example mounts the reference pages from the remote host host2 onto the local directory /mnt:

    mount -t nfs host2:/usr/ref /mnt

  3. Verify that the file system or directory is mounted by entering the mount command with no arguments. The mounted file systems and directories are displayed as in the following example:


    /dev/ra0a on / (rw)
    /dev/ra0g on /usr (rw)
    host2:/usr/ref on /mnt type nfs (rw, hard, intr)
    host7:/usr on /host7 type nfs (rw, hard, nintr)

  4. If you are mounting a remote layered product for the first time, create the necessary symbolic links by executing the appropriate linking script or scripts. Ask the server administrator for the location of the linking scripts and the command syntax to use to invoke them.

    Use this step for Digital layered products and third-party layered products that have been created in accordance with Digital guidelines. See Programming Support Tools for information on creating linking scripts for layered products.    Mounting a Remote File System Automatically

To automatically mount a remote file system or directory at startup time, do the following:

  1. Log in as root.

  2. Edit the /etc/fstab file and create an entry for each file system or directory to be mounted. For example, the following entry in the /etc/fstab file causes the file system /usr on the remote host host7 to be mounted automatically at startup time on the local system on /host7:

    /usr@host7 /host7 nfs rw,bg 0 0

    The bg option causes remote mount requests to be tried once in the foreground and then retried in the background if the initial mount fails. See Section for a list of the some options. See fstab(4) for information on the /etc/fstab file format.

  3. Mount the new directory or file system by entering the mount-a command.

    The files will also be mounted automatically each time the system is rebooted.

  4. If you are mounting a remote layered product for the first time, create the necessary symbolic links by executing the appropriate linking script or scripts. Ask the server administrator for the location of the linking scripts and the command syntax to use to invoke them.

    Use this step for Digital layered products and third-party layered products that have been created in accordance with Digital guidelines. See Programming Support Tools for information on creating linking scripts for layered products.    Mount Command Options

Occasionally, a server system will go down or be slow to respond to client NFS requests; when you mount the file system, choose one of the following mount command options to control how NFS operations are to proceed under those conditions:

See mount(8) for further information on mount command options.    Using automount to Mount a Remote File System

The automount daemon allows you to automatically mount a remote file system or directory at the time of access. If you are using automount, determine whether you are using local automount maps or NIS-distributed automount maps. See Section 8.1.2 for a description of local and NIS-distributed automount maps.

To use local automount maps, do the following:

  1. Log in as root.

  2. Create a local auto.master map in the /etc directory. See Appendix C for information on creating automount maps.


    If you are modifying an existing auto.master map, you must stop and restart automount in order to read the revised map.

  3. Create the local maps for your system.

  4. Start the automount daemon by using the NFS Configuration Application. See Section 8.3.2 for information on starting automount.

    When the automount daemon starts, it uses the local auto.master file to determine the location of other maps, their local mount points, and the mount options.

    If the NFS Configuration Application indicates that the automount daemon is already running, do the following:

    1. Set the Configure for Automount check box to the off position.

    2. Click on Commit.

    3. Set the Configure for Automount check box to the on position.

    4. Click on Commit.

    5. Click on Close to close the NFS Client Setup dialog box.

To use NIS-distributed automount maps, do the following:

  1. Set up your system as an NIS client. See Section 7.3.3 for information on setting up an NIS client.

  2. Start the automount daemon by using the NFS Configuration Application. See Section 8.3.2 for information on starting automount.

    All automount maps are served from the NIS master server in the domain. When the automount daemon starts, it uses the master auto.master file to determine the location of other maps, their local mount points, and the mount options.

    If the NFS Configuration Application indicates that the automount daemon is already running, do the following:

    1. Set the Configure for Automount check box to the off position.

    2. Click on Commit.

    3. Set the Configure for Automount check box to the on position.

    4. Click on Commit.

    5. Click on Close to close the NFS Client Setup dialog box.

See automount(8) for information on the automount command and its arguments.    Specifying automount Arguments

You can specify arguments for the automount daemon from the command line, in a local auto.master map, in an NIS-distributed auto.master map, or some combination of the three. However, it is important to know that the automount daemon reads and carries out its instructions in the following order:

  1. Command line information, such as additional mount points or replacements to entries in a master map, are read first. Command line information takes precedence over instructions in any maps -- local or NIS-distributed.

  2. Instructions in a local auto.master map (specified with the -f option) are read next. The information in the local master map overrides information in an NIS-distributed master map.

  3. Information in the NIS-distributed master map is read last.

When you invoke the automount daemon without any options, it looks for a distributed NIS map called auto.master. If it finds one, it checks the master map for information about the location of other maps, their local mount points, and the mount options. If it does not find one, and if no local auto.master is specified, the automount daemon exits.

You can pass command arguments to the automount daemon from the NFS Configuration Application, the command line, or from an entry in the /etc/rc.config file in one of the following ways:

See automount(8) for more information on the automount command and its options.

8.5.2    Unmounting a Remote File System or Directory

To unmount a remote file system or directory, do the following:

  1. Unmount the remote file system or directory by using the umount command with the following syntax:

    umount {filesystem| directory }

  2. Verify that the file system or directory is unmounted by entering the mount command with no arguments.

    The mounted file systems and directories are displayed.

See umount(8) for more information on umount command options.

The following command unmounts the /mnt local directory, containing the reference pages mounted in Section

umount /mnt

The following command unmounts all NFS file systems:

umount -A -t nfs

The following command unmounts all file systems exported from host2:

umount -h host2