4    Floating-Point Instruction Set

This chapter describes the assembler's floating-point instructions. See Chapter 3 for a description of the integer instructions. For details on the instruction set beyond the scope of this manual, refer to the Alpha Architecture Reference Manual.

The assembler's floating-point instruction set contains the following classes of instructions:

A particular floating-point instruction may be implemented in hardware, software, or a combination of hardware and software.

Tables in this chapter show the format for each instruction in the floating-point instruction set. The tables list the instruction names and the forms of operands that can be used with each instruction. The specifiers used in the tables to identify operands have the following meanings:
Operand Specifier Description
address A symbolic expression whose effective value is used as an address.
d_reg Destination register. A floating-point register that receives a value as a result of an operation.
2d_reg/s_reg One floating-point register that is used as both a destination register and a source register.
label A label that identifies a location in a program.
s_reg,s_reg1,s_reg2 Source registers. Floating-point registers whose contents are to be used in an operation.
val_expr An expression whose value is a floating-point constant.

The following terms are used to discuss floating-point operations:
Term Meaning
Infinite A value of +infinity or -infinity.
Infinity A symbolic entity that represents values with magnitudes greater than the largest magnitude for a particular format.
Ordered The usual result from a comparison, namely: less than (<), equal (=), or greater than (>).
NaN Symbolic entities that represent values not otherwise available in floating-point formats. (NaN is an acronym for not-a-number.)
Unordered The condition that results from a floating-point comparison when one or both operands are NaNs.

There are two kinds of NaNs:

4.1    Background Information on Floating-Point Operations

Topics addressed in the following sections include:

4.1.1    Floating-Point Data Types

Floating-point instructions operate on the following data types:

Figure 4-1 shows the memory formats for the single- and double-precision floating-point data types.

Figure 4-1: Floating-Point Data Formats

4.1.2    Floating-Point Control Register

The floating-point control register (FPCR) contains status and control information. It controls the arithmetic rounding mode of instructions that specify dynamic rounding (d qualifier - see Section 4.1.5 for information on instruction qualifiers) and gives a summary for each exception type of the exception conditions detected by the floating-point instructions. It also contains an overall summary bit indicating whether an exception occurred.

Figure 4-2 shows the format of the floating-point control register.

Figure 4-2: Floating-Point Control Register

The fields of the floating-point control register have the following meaning:
Bits Name Description
63 sum Summary - records the bitwise OR of the FPCR exception bits (bits 57 to 52).
62-60 raz/ign Read-As-Zero - ignored when written.
59-58 dyn Dynamic Rounding Mode - indicates the current rounding mode to be used by an IEEE floating-point instruction that specifies dynamic mode (d qualifier). The bit assignments for this field are as follows:

00 - Chopped rounding mode
01 - Minus infinity
10 - Normal rounding
11 - Plus infinity

57 iov Integer overflow.
56 ine Inexact result.
55 unf Underflow.
54 ovf Overflow.
53 dze Division by zero.
52 inv Invalid operation.
51-0 raz/ign Read-As-Zero - ignored when written.

The floating-point exceptions associated with bits 57 to 52 are described in Section 4.1.3.

4.1.3    Floating-Point Exceptions

Six exception conditions can result from the use of floating-point instructions. All of the exceptions are signaled by an arithmetic exception trap. The exceptions are as follows:

4.1.4    Floating-Point Rounding Modes

If a true result can be exactly represented in a floating-point format, all rounding modes map the true result to that value.

The following abbreviations are used in the descriptions of rounding modes provided in this section:

For VAX floating-point operations, two rounding modes are provided and are specified in each instruction:

For IEEE floating-point operations, four rounding modes are provided:

The first three of the IEEE rounding modes can be specified in the instruction. The last mode, rounding toward plus infinity, can be obtained by setting the floating-point control register (FPCR) to select it and then specifying dynamic rounding mode in the instruction.

Dynamic rounding mode uses the IEEE rounding mode selected by the FPCR and is described in Section 4.1.2. Dynamic rounding can be used with any of the IEEE rounding modes.

Alpha IEEE arithmetic does rounding before detecting overflow or underflow.

4.1.5    Floating-Point Instruction Qualifiers

Many of the floating-point instructions accept a qualifier that specifies rounding and trapping modes.

The following table lists the rounding mode qualifiers. See Section 4.1.4 for a detailed description of the rounding modes.
  Rounding Mode Qualifier
VAX Rounding Mode    
  Normal rounding (no modifier)
  Chopped c
IEEE Rounding Mode    
  Normal rounding (no modifier)
  Plus infinity d (ensure that the dyn field of
the FPCR is 11)
  Minus infinity m
  Chopped c

The following table lists the trapping mode qualifiers. See Section 4.1.3 for a detailed description of the exceptions.
  Trapping Mode Qualifier
VAX Trap Mode    
  Imprecise, underflow disabled (no modifier)
  Imprecise, underflow enabled u
  Software, underflow disabled s
  Software, underflow enabled su
VAX Convert-to-Integer Trap Mode    
  Imprecise, integer overflow disabled (no modifier)
  Imprecise, integer overflow enabled v
  Software, integer overflow disabled s
  Software, integer overflow enabled sv
IEEE Trap Mode    
  Imprecise, underflow disabled, inexact
(no modifier)
  Imprecise, underflow enabled, inexact
  Software, underflow enabled, inexact
  Software, underflow enabled, inexact
IEEE Convert-to-integer Trap Mode    
  Imprecise, integer overflow disabled,
inexact disabled
(no modifier)
  Imprecise, integer overflow enabled,
inexact disabled
  Software, integer overflow enabled,
inexact disabled
  Software, integer overflow enabled,
inexact enabled

Table 4-1 lists the qualifier combinations that are supported by one or more of the individual instructions. The values in the Number column are referenced in subsequent sections to identify the combination of qualifiers accepted by the various instructions.

Table 4-1: Qualifier Combinations for Floating-Point Instructions

Number Qualifiers
1 c, u, uc, s, sc, su, suc
2 c, m, d, u, uc, um, ud, su, suc, sum, sud, sui, suic, suim, suid
3 s
4 su
5 sv, v
6 c, v, vc, s, sc, sv, svc
7 c, v, vc, sv, svc, svi, svic, d, vd, svd, svid
8 c
9 c, m, d, sui, suic, suim, suid

4.2    Floating-Point Load and Store Instructions

Floating-point load and store instructions load values and move data between memory and floating-point registers.

Table 4-2 lists the mnemonics and operands for instructions that perform floating-point load and store operations. The table is divided into groups of functionally related instructions. The operands specified within a particular group apply to all of the instructions contained in that group.

Table 4-2: Load and Store Instruction Formats

Instruction Mnemonic Operands
Load F_floating
Load G_floating (Load D_floating)
Load S_floating (Load Longword)
Load T_floating (Load Quadword)
ldf[Table Note 1]
ldg[Table Note 1]
lds[Table Note 1]
ldt[Table Note 1]
Load Immediate F_floating
Load Immediate D_floating
Load Immediate G_floating
Load Immediate S_floating (Load Longword)
Load Immediate T_floating (Load Quadword)
Store F_floating
Store G_floating (Store D_floating)
Store S_floating (Store Longword)
Store T_floating (Store Quadword)
stf[Table Note 1]
stg[Table Note 1]
sts[Table Note 1]
stt[Table Note 1]

Table Notes:

  1. In addition to the normal operands that can be specified with this instruction, relocation operands can also be specified (see Section 2.6.4).

Table 4-3 describes the operations performed by floating-point load and store instructions.

The load and store instructions are grouped by function. Refer to Table 4-2 for the instruction names.

Table 4-3: Load and Store Instruction Descriptions

Instruction Description
Load Instructions
(ldf, ldg, lds, ldt, ldif, ldid, ldig, ldis, ldit)
Load eight bytes (G_, D_, and T_floating formats) or four bytes (F_ and S_floating formats) from the specified effective address into the destination register. The address must be quadword aligned for 8-byte load instructions and longword aligned for 4-byte load instructions.
Store Instructions
(stf, stg, sts, stt)
Store eight bytes (G_, D_, and T_floating formats) or four bytes (F_ and S_floating formats) from the source floating-point register into the specified effective address. The address must be quadword aligned for 8-byte store instructions and longword aligned for 4-byte store instructions.

4.3    Floating-Point Arithmetic Instructions

Floating-point arithmetic instructions perform arithmetic and logical operations on values in floating-point registers.

Table 4-4 lists the mnemonics and operands for instructions that perform floating-point arithmetic and logical operations. The table is divided into groups of functionally related instructions. The operands specified within a particular group apply to all of the instructions contained in that group.

The Qualifiers column in Table 4-4 refers to one or more trap or rounding modes as specified in Table 4-1.

Table 4-4: Arithmetic Instruction Formats

Instruction Mnemonic Qualifiers Operands
Floating Clear fclr - d_reg
Floating Absolute Value
Floating Negate
Negate F_floating
Negate G_floating
Negate S_floating
Negate T_floating
s_reg, d_reg
Add F_floating
Add G_floating
Add S_floating
Add T_floating
Divide F_floating
Divide G_floating
Divide S_floating
Divide T_floating
Multiply F_floating
Multiply G_floating
Multiply S_floating
Multiply T_floating
Subtract F_floating
Subtract G_floating
Subtract S_floating
Subtract T_floating
s_reg1, s_reg2, d_reg
d_reg/s_reg1, s_reg2
Convert Quadword to Longword
Convert Longword to Quadword
Convert G_floating to Quadword
Convert T_floating to Quadword
Convert Quadword to F_floating
Convert Quadword to G_floating
Convert Quadword to S_floating
Convert Quadword to T_floating
Convert D_floating to G_floating
Convert G_floating to D_floating
Convert G_floating to F_floating
Convert T_floating to S_floating
Convert S_floating to T_floating
s_reg, d_reg

Table 4-5 describes the operations performed by floating-point load and store instructions. The arithmetic instructions are grouped by function. Refer to Table 4-4 for the instruction names.

Table 4-5: Arithmetic Instruction Descriptions

Instruction Description
Clear Instruction
Clear the destination register.
Absolute Value Instruction
Compute the absolute value of the contents of the source register and put the floating-point result in the destination register.
Negate Instructions
(fneg, negf, negg, negs, negt)
Compute the negative value of the contents of s_reg or d_reg and put the specified precision floating-point result in d_reg.
Add Instructions
(addf, addg, adds, addt)
Add the contents of s_reg or d_reg to the contents of s_reg2 and put the result in d_reg. When the sum of two operands is exactly zero, the sum has a positive sign for all rounding modes except round toward -infinity. For that rounding mode, the sum has a negative sign.
Divide Instructions
(divf, divg, divs, divt)
Compute the quotient of two values. These instructions divide the contents of s_reg1 or d_reg by the contents of s_reg2 and put the result in d_reg. If the divisor is a zero, an error is signaled if the divide-by-zero exception is enabled.
Multiply Instructions
(mulf, mulg, muls, mult)
Multiply the contents of s_reg1 or d_reg with the contents of s_reg2 and put the result in d_reg.
Subtract Instructions
(subf, subg, subs, subt)
Subtract the contents of s_reg2 from the contents of s_reg1 or d_reg and put the result in d_reg. When the difference of two operands is exactly zero, the difference has a positive sign for all rounding modes except round toward -infinity. For that rounding mode, the sum has a negative sign.
Conversion Between Integer Formats Instructions
(cvtql, cvtlq)
Convert the integer contents of s_reg to the specified integer format and put the result in d_reg. If an integer overflow occurs, the truncated result is stored in d_reg and, if enabled, an arithmetic trap occurs.
Conversion from Floating-Point to Integer Format Instructions
(cvtgq, cvttq)
Convert the floating-point contents of s_reg to the specified integer format and put the result in d_reg. If an integer overflow occurs, the truncated result is stored in d_reg and, if enabled, an arithmetic trap occurs.
Conversion from Integer to Floating-Point Format Instructions
(cvtqf, cvtqg, cvtqs, cvtqt)
Convert the integer contents of s_reg to the specified floating-point format and put the result in d_reg.
Conversion Between Floating-Point Formats Instructions
(cvtdg, cvtgd, cvtgf, cvtts, cvtst)
Convert the contents of s_reg to the specified precision, round according to the rounding mode, and put the result in d_reg. If an overflow occurs, an unpredictable value is stored in d_reg and a floating-point trap occurs.

4.4    Floating-Point Relational Instructions

Floating-point relational instructions compare two floating-point values.

Table 4-6 lists the mnemonics and operands for instructions that perform floating-point relational operations. Each of the instructions can take an operand in any of the forms shown.

The Qualifiers column in Table 4-6 refers to one or more trap or rounding modes as specified in Table 4-1.

Table 4-6: Relational Instruction Formats

Instruction Mnemonic Qualifiers Operands
Compare G_floating Equal
Compare G_floating Less Than
Compare G_floating Less Than or Equal
Compare T_floating Equal
Compare T_floating Less Than
Compare T_floating Less Than or Equal
Compare T_floating Unordered
s_reg1, s_reg2, d_reg
d_reg/s_reg1, s_reg2

Table 4-7 describes the relational instructions supported by the assembler. The relational instructions are grouped by function. Refer to Table 4-6 for the instruction names.

Table 4-7: Relational Instruction Descriptions

Instruction Description
Compare Equal Instructions
(cmpgeq, cmpteq)
Compare the contents of s_reg1 with the contents of s_reg2. If s_reg1 equals s_reg2, a nonzero value is written to the destination register; otherwise, a true zero value is written to the destination. Exceptions are not signaled for unordered values.
Compare Less Than Instructions
(cmpglt, cmptlt)
Compare the contents of s_reg1 with the contents of s_reg2. If s_reg1 is less than s_reg2, a nonzero value is written to the destination register; otherwise, a true zero value is written to the destination. Exceptions are not signaled for unordered values.
Compare Less Than or Equal Instructions
(cmpgle, cmptle)
Compare the contents of s_reg1 with the contents of s_reg2. If s_reg1 is less than or equal to s_reg2, a nonzero value is written to the destination register; otherwise, a true zero value is written to the destination. Exceptions are not signaled for unordered values.
Compare Unordered Instruction
Compare the contents of s_reg1 with the contents of s_reg2. If either s_reg1 or s_reg2 is unordered, a nonzero value is written to the destination register; otherwise, a true zero value is written to the destination. Exceptions are not signaled for unordered values.

4.5    Floating-Point Move Instructions

Floating-point move instructions move data between floating-point registers.

Table 4-8 lists the mnemonics and operands for instructions that perform floating-point move operations. The table is divided into groups of functionally related instructions. The operands specified within a particular group apply to all of the instructions contained in that group.

Table 4-8: Move Instruction Formats

Instruction Mnemonic Operands
Floating Move fmov s_reg,d_reg
Copy Sign
Copy Sign Negate
Copy Sign and Exponent
Move if Equal to Zero
Move if Not Equal to Zero
Move if Less Than Zero
Move if Less Than or Equal to Zero
Move if Greater Than Zero
Move if Greater Than or Equal to Zero
s_reg1, s_reg2, d_reg
d_reg/s_reg1, s_reg2

Table 4-9 describes the operations performed by move instructions. The move instructions are grouped by function. Refer to Table 4-8 for the instruction names.

Table 4-9: Move Instruction Descriptions

Instruction Description
Move Instruction
Move the contents of s_reg to d_reg.
Copy Sign Instruction
Fetch the sign bit of s_reg1 or d_reg, combine it with the exponent and fraction of s_reg2, and copy the result to d_reg.
Copy Sign Negate Instruction
Fetch the sign bit of s_reg1 or d_reg, complement it, combine it with the exponent and fraction of s_reg2, and copy the result to d_reg.
Copy Sign and Exponent Instruction
Fetch the sign and exponent of s_reg1 or d_reg, combine them with the fraction of s_reg2, and copy the result to d_reg.
Move If Instructions
(fcmoveq, fcmovne, fcmovlt, fcmovle, fcmovgt, fcmovge)
Compare the contents of s_reg1 or d_reg against zero. If the specified condition is true, the contents of s_reg2 is copied to d_reg; otherwise, d_reg is unchanged.

4.6    Floating-Point Control Instructions

Floating-point control instructions test floating-point registers and conditionally branch.

Table 4-10 lists the mnemonics and operands for instructions that perform floating-point control operations. The specified operands apply to all of the instructions listed in the table.

Table 4-10: Control Instruction Formats

Instruction Mnemonic Operands
Branch Equal to Zero
Branch Not Equal to Zero
Branch Less Than Zero
Branch Less Than or Equal to Zero
Branch Greater Than Zero
Branch Greater Than or Equal to Zero

Table 4-11 describes the operations performed by control instructions. The control instructions are grouped by function. Refer to Table 4-10 for instruction names.

Table 4-11: Control Instruction Descriptions

Instruction Description
Branch Instructions
(fbeq, fbne, fblt, fble, fbgt, fbge)
The contents of the source register are compared with zero. If the specified relationship is true, a branch is made to the specified label.

4.7    Floating-Point Special-Purpose Instructions

Floating-point special-purpose instructions perform miscellaneous tasks.

Table 4-12 lists the mnemonics and operands for instructions that perform floating-point special-purpose operations.

Table 4-12: Special-Purpose Instruction Formats

Instruction Mnemonic Operands
Move from FP Control Register mf_fpcr d_reg
Move to FP Control Register mt_fpcr s_reg
No Operation fnop (none)

Table 4-13 describes the operations performed by floating-point special-purpose instructions.

Table 4-13: Control Register Instruction Descriptions

Instruction Description
Move to FPCR Instruction
Copy the value in the specified source register to the floating-point control register (FPCR).
Move from FPCR Instruction
Copy the value in floating-point control register (FPCR) to the specified destination register.
No Operation Instruction
This instruction has no effect on the machine state.