7    Object Files

This chapter provides details on how compiler-system object files are formatted and processed.

The chapter addresses the following topics:

7.1    Object File Overview

The assembler and the linker generate object files. The sections in the object files are ordered as shown in Figure 7-1. Sections that do not contain data are omitted, except for the file header, optional header, and section header, which are always present.

Object files also contain a symbol table, which is also divided into sections. Figure 7-1 shows all of the possible sections in a symbol table. The sections of the symbol table that appear in a final object file can vary:

Any new assembler or linker designed to work with the compiler system should lay out the object file sections in the order shown in Figure 7-1. The linker can process object files that are ordered differently, but performance may be degraded.

Figure 7-1: Object File Format

The standard System V COFF (common object file format) differs from the Digital UNIX compiler system format in the following ways:

The definition of the section relocation information is similar to UNIX 4.3 BSD, which has local relocation types. Section 7.2.5 provides information on differences between local and external relocation entries.

7.2    Object File Sections

The following sections describe the components of an object file. Headers are informational and provide the means for navigating the object file. Sections contain program instructions or data (or both).

7.2.1    File Header

The format of the file header is shown in Table 7-1. The file header and all of the fields described in this section are defined in filehdr.h.

Table 7-1: File Header Format

Declaration Type Field Description
unsigned short f_magic Target-machine magic number (see Table 7-2)
unsigned short f_nscns Number of sections
int f_timdat Time and date stamp
long f_symptr File pointer to symbolic header (see Chapter 8 for a description of the symbolic header)
int f_nsyms Size of symbolic header
unsigned short f_opthdr Size of optional header
unsigned short f_flags Flags (see Table 7-3)

The magic number in the f_magic field in the file header specifies the target machine on which an object file can execute. Table 7-2 shows the octal values and mnemonics for the magic numbers.

Table 7-2: File Header Magic Numbers

Symbol Value Description
ALPHAMAGIC 0603 Machine-code object file
ALPHAUMAGIC 0617 Ucode object file

The f_flags field in the file header describes the object file characteristics. Table 7-3 lists the flags and gives their hexadecimal values and their meanings. The table notes those flags that do not apply to compiler system object files.

Table 7-3: File Header Flags

Symbol Value Description
F_RELFLG 0x0001 Relocation information stripped from file
F_EXEC 0x0002 File is executable (that is, no unresolved external references)
F_LNNO 0x0004 Line numbers stripped from file
F_LSYMS 0x0008 Local symbols stripped from file
F_NO_SHARED 0x0010 Object file cannot be used to create a shared library
F_NO_CALL_SHARED 0x0020 Object file cannot be used to create a
-call_shared executable file
F_LOMAP 0x0040 Allows an executable file to be loaded at an address less than VM_MIN_ADDRESS
F_AR16WR[Table Note 1] 0x0080 File has the byte ordering of an AR16WR machine (for example, PDP-11/70)
F_AR32WR[Table Note 1] 0x0100 File has the byte ordering of an AR32WR machine (for example, VAX)
F_AR32W[Table Note 1] 0x0200 File has the byte ordering of an AR32W machine (for example, 3b, maxi, MC68000)
F_PATCH[Table Note 1] 0x0400 File contains "patch" list in optional header
F_NODF[Table Note 1] 0x0400 (Minimal file only.) No decision functions for replaced functions
F_MIPS_NO_SHARED 0x1000 Cannot be dynamically shared
F_MIPS_SHARABLE 0x2000 A dynamically shared object
F_MIPS_CALL_SHARED 0x3000 Dynamic executable file
F_MIPS_NO_REORG 0x4000 Do not reorder sections
F_MIPS_NO_REMOVE 0x8000 Do not remove nops

Table Note:

  1. Not used by compiler system object modules.

7.2.2    Optional Header

The linker and the assembler fill in the optional header, and the dynamic loader, or other program that loads the object module at run time, uses the information it contains, as described in Section 7.4.

Table 7-4 shows the format of the optional header (which is defined in the header file aouthdr.h).

Table 7-4: Optional Header Definitions

Declaration Field Description
short magic Object-file magic numbers (see Table 7-5)
short vstamp Version stamp
short bldrev Revision of build tools
long tsize Text size in bytes, padded to 16-byte boundary
long dsize Initialized data in bytes, padded to 16-byte boundary
long bsize Uninitialized data in bytes, padded to 16-byte boundary
long entry Entry point
long text_start Base of text used for this file
long data_start Base of data used for this file
long bss_start Base of bss used for this file
int gprmask General-purpose register mask
int fprmask Floating-point register mask
long gp_value The gp (global pointer) value used for this object

Table 7-5 shows the octal values of the magic field for the optional header; the header file aouthdr.h contains the macro definitions.

Table 7-5: Optional Header Magic Numbers

Symbol Value Description
OMAGIC 0407 Impure format - The text is not write-protected or shareable; the data segment is contiguous with the text segment.
NMAGIC 0410 Shared text - The data segment starts at the next page following the text segment, and the text segment is write-protected.
ZMAGIC 0413 The object file is to be paged in on demand (demand paged) and has a special format; the text and data segments are separated. The Alpha system provides write-protection for the text segment. (Other systems using COFF may not provide write-protection.) The object can be either dynamic or static.

See Section 7.3 for information on the format of OMAGIC, NMAGIC, and ZMAGIC files.

7.2.3    Section Headers

Table 7-6 shows the format of the section header (which is defined in the header file scnhdr.h).

Table 7-6: Section Header Format

Declaration Field Description
char s_name[8] Section name (see Table 7-7)
long s_paddr Physical address
long s_vaddr Virtual address
long s_size Section size
long s_scnptr File pointer to raw data for the section
long s_relptr File pointer to relocations for the section
long s_lnnoptr For .pdata, indicates the number of entries contained in the section; otherwise, reserved.
unsigned short s_nreloc Number of relocation entries
unsigned short s_nlnno Number of global pointer tables
int s_flags Flags (see Table 7-8)

Table 7-7 shows the defined section names for the s_name field of the section header.

Table 7-7: Section Header Constants for Section Names

Declaration Contents Description
_TEXT .text Text section
_INIT .init Initialization text section for shared libraries
_FINI .fini Cleanup text section
_RCONST .rconst Read-only constant section
_RDATA .rdata Read-only data section
_DATA .data Large data section
_LITA .lita Literal address pool section
_LIT8 .lit8 8-byte literal pool section
_LIT4 .lit4 4-byte literal pool section
_SDATA .sdata Small data section
_BSS .bss Large bss section
_SBSS .sbss Small bss section
_UCODE .ucode ucode section
_GOT[Table Note 1] .got Global offset table
_DYNAMIC[Table Note 1] .dynamic Dynamic linking information
_DYNSYM[Table Note 1] .dynsym Dynamic linking symbol table
_REL_DYN[Table Note 1] .rel.dyn Relocation information
_DYNSTR[Table Note 1] .dynstr Dynamic linking strings
_HASH[Table Note 1] .hash Symbol hash table
_MSYM[Table Note 1] .msym Additional dynamic linking symbol table
_CONFLICT[Table Note 1] .conflict Additional dynamic linking information
_REGINFO[Table Note 1] .reginfo Register usage information
_XDATA .xdata Exception scope table
_PDATA .pdata Exception procedure table

Table Notes:

  1. These sections exist only in ZMAGIC-type files and are used during dynamic linking.

Table 7-8 shows the defined hexadecimal values for the s_flags field. (Those flags that are not used by compiler system object files are noted in the table.)

Table 7-8: Format of s_flags Section Header Entry

Symbol Value Description
STYP_REG 0x00 Regular section: allocated, relocated, loaded
STYP_DSECT[Table Note 1] 0x01 Dummy section: not allocated, relocated, not loaded
STYP_NOLOAD[Table Note 1] 0x02 Noload section: allocated, relocated, not loaded
STYP_GROUP[Table Note 1] 0x04 Grouped section: formed of input sections
STYP_PAD[Table Note 1] 0x08 Padding section: not allocated, not relocated, loaded
STYP_COPY[Table Note 1] 0x10 Copy section (for decision function used by field update): not allocated, not relocated, loaded
STYP_TEXT 0x20 Text only
STYP_DATA 0x40 Data only
STYP_BSS 0x80 Bss only
STYP_RDATA 0x100 Read-only data only
STYP_SDATA 0x200 Small data only
STYP_SBSS 0x400 Small bss only
STYP_UCODE 0x800 Ucode only
STYP_GOT[Table Note 2] 0x1000 Global offset table
STYP_DYNAMIC[Table Note 2] 0x2000 Dynamic linking information
STYP_DYNSYM[Table Note 2] 0x4000 Dynamic linking symbol table
STYP_REL_DYN[Table Note 2] 0x8000 Dynamic relocation information
STYP_DYNSTR[Table Note 2] 0x10000 Dynamic linking symbol table
STYP_HASH[Table Note 2] 0x20000 Dynamic symbol hash table
STYP_MSYM[Table Note 2] 0x80000 Additional dynamic linking symbol table
STYP_CONFLICT[Table Note 2] 0x100000 Additional dynamic linking information
STYP_REGINFO[Table Note 2] 0x200000 Register usage information
STYP_FINI 0x01000000 .fini section text
STYP_COMMENT 0x02000000 Comment section
STYP_RCONST 0x02200000 Read-only constants
STYP_XDATA 0x02400000 Exception scope table
STYP_PDATA 0x02800000 Exception procedure table
STYP_LITA 0x04000000 Address literals only
STYP_LIT8 0x08000000 8-byte literals only
STYP_LIT4 0x10000000 4-byte literals only
S_NRELOC_OVFL 0x20000000 s_nreloc overflowed, the value is in r_vaddr of the first entry
STYP_INIT 0x80000000 Section initialization text only

Table Notes:

  1. Not used by compiler system object modules.

  2. These sections exist only in ZMAGIC type files and are used during dynamic linking.

The S_NRELOC_OVFL flag is used when the number of relocation entries in a section overflows the s_nreloc field of the section header. In this case, s_nreloc contains the value 0xffff and the s_flags field has the S_NRELOC_OVFL flag set; the value true is in the r_vaddr field of the first relocation entry for that section. That relocation entry has a type of R_ABS and all other fields are zero, causing it to be ignored under normal circumstances.


For performance reasons, the linker uses the s_flags entry instead of s_name to determine the type of section. The linker does correctly fill in the s_name entry, however.

7.2.4    Section Data

Object files contain instructions and data. The instructions and data are stored in appropriate sections according to their use. Figure 7-2 shows the layout of section data in object files.

Figure 7-2: Organization of Section Data

The sections that are present in the section data and the ordering of the sections depends on the options that are in effect for a particular compilation.

The .conflict, .dynamic .dynstr, .dynsym, .got, .hash, .liblist, .msym, and .rel.dyn sections exist only in shared object files and are used during dynamic linking. These sections are described in more detail in Chapter 9. The following table describes the uses of the other sections:
Section Name Use
.ucode Intermediate code (if present, all other sections are excluded)
.bss Block started by symbol
.data Large data
.fini Process termination text
.init Initialization text
.lit4 4-byte literal pool
.lit8 8-byte literal pool
.lita Literal address pool (only present in nonshared object files)
.pdata Exception procedure table for pdata
.rconst Read-only constants
.rdata Read-only data
.sbss Small block started by symbol
.sdata Small data
.text Machine instructions to be executed
.xdata Exception scope table for xdata

The .text section contains the machine instructions that are to be executed; the .sdata, .lit4, .lit8, .rdata, .data, and .rconst sections contain initialized data; and the .bss and .sbss sections reserve space for uninitialized data that is created by the dynamic loader for the program before execution and filled with zeros. The only difference between .rdata and .rconst is that only .rdata can have dynamic relocations.

As indicated in Figure 7-2, the sections are grouped into segments:

A section is described by and referenced through the section header (see Section 7.2.3); the optional header (see Section 7.2.2) provides the same information for segments.

The linker references the data shown in Figure 7-2 as both sections and segments. It references the sections through the section header and the segments through the optional header. However, the dynamic loader, when loading the object file at run time, references the same data only by segment, through the optional header.

7.2.5    Section Relocation Information

Program instructions and data may contain addresses that must be adjusted when the object file is linked. Relocations locate the addresses within the section and indicate how they are to be adjusted.    Relocation Table Entry

Table 7-9 shows the format of an entry in the relocation table (defined in the header file reloc.h).

Table 7-9: Format of a Relocation Table Entry

Declaration Field Description
long r_vaddr Virtual address of an item to be relocated.
unsigned r_symndx For an external relocation entry, r_symndx is an index into external symbols. For a local relocation entry, r_symndx is the number of the section containing the symbol.
unsigned r_type:8 Relocation type (see Table 7-11).
unsigned r_extern:1 Set to 1 for an external relocation entry. Set to 0 for a local relocation entry.
unsigned r_offset:6 For R_OP_STORE, r_offset is the bit offset of a field within a quadword.
unsigned r_reserved:11 Must be zero.
unsigned r_size:6 For R_OP_STORE, r_size is the bit size of a field.

The setting of r_extern and the contents of r_symndx vary for external and local relocation entries:

Table 7-10 gives the section numbers for r_symndx; the reloc.h file contains the macro definitions.

Table 7-10: Section Numbers for Local Relocation Entries

Symbol Value Description
R_SN_TEXT 1 .text section
R_SN_RDATA 2 .rdata section
R_SN_DATA 3 .data section
R_SN_SDATA 4 .sdata section
R_SN_SBSS 5 .sbss section
R_SN_BSS 6 .bss section
R_SN_INIT 7 .init section
R_SN_LIT8 8 .lit8 section
R_SN_LIT4 9 .lit4 section
R_SN_XDATA 10 .xdata section
R_SN_PDATA 11 .pdata section
R_SN_FINI 12 .fini section
R_SN_LITA 13 .lita section
R_SN_ABS 14 for R_OP_xxxx constants
R_SN_RCONST 15 .rconst section

Table 7-11 shows valid symbolic entries for the r_type field (which is defined in the header file reloc.h).

Table 7-11: Relocation Types

Symbol Value Description
R_ABS 0x0 Relocation already performed.
R_REFLONG 0x1 32-bit reference to the symbol's virtual address.
R_REFQUAD 0x2 64-bit reference to the symbol's virtual address.
R_GPREL32 0x3 32-bit displacement from the global pointer to the symbol's virtual address.
R_LITERAL 0x4 Reference to a literal in the literal address pool as an offset from the global pointer.
R_LITUSE 0x5 Identifies an instance of a literal address previously loaded into a register. The r_symndx field identifies the specific usage of the register. Table 7-12 lists the valid usage types.
R_GPDISP 0x6 Identifies an lda/ldah instruction pair that is used to initialize a procedure's global-pointer register. The r_vaddr field identifies one instruction of the pair. The r_symndx contains a byte offset, which when added to the r_vaddr field, produces the address of the other instruction of the pair.
R_BRADDR 0x7 21-bit branch reference to the symbol's virtual address.
R_HINT 0x8 14-bit jsr hint reference to the symbol's virtual address.
R_SREL16 0x9 16-bit self-relative reference to the symbol's virtual address.
R_SREL32 0xa 32-bit self-relative reference to the symbol's virtual address.
R_SREL64 0xb 64-bit self-relative reference to the symbol's virtual address.
R_OP_PUSH 0xc Push symbol's virtual address on relocation expression stack.
R_OP_STORE 0xd Pop value from the relocation expression stack and store at the symbol's virtual address. The r_size field determines the number of bits stored. The r_offset field designates the bit offset from the symbol to the target.
R_OP_PSUB 0xe Pop value from the relocation expression stack and substract the symbol's virtual address. The result is pushed on the relocation expression stack.
R_OP_PRSHIFT 0xf Pop value from the relocation expression stack and shift right by the symbol's value. The result is pushed on the relocation expression stack.
R_GPVALUE 0x10 Specifies a new gp value is to be used starting with the address specified by the r_vaddr field. The gp value is the sum of the optional header's gp_value field and the r_symndx field. The r_extern field must be zero.
R_GPRELHIGH 0x11 Most significant 16 bits of 32-bit displacement from $gp value. This is the ldah instruction of an ldah/lda, ldah/ldq, or ldah/stq pair that is calculating an address as a displacement from the $gp value. Sign-extension of both offsets is assumed. This relocation must be followed immediately by one or more corresponding R_GPRELLOW relocations.
R_GPRELLOW 0x12 Least significant 16 bits of a 32-bit displacement from $gp value. This is the second instruction of an ldah/lda, ldah/ldq, or ldah/stq pair that is calculating an address as a displacement from the $gp value. This relocation should follow the corresponding R_GPRELHIGH relocation. Each R_GPRELHIGH relocation can have one or more R_GPRELLOW relocations.

Table 7-12 shows valid symbolic entries for the symbol index (r_symndx) field for the relocation type R_LITUSE.

Table 7-12: Literal Usage Types

Symbol Description
R_LU_BASE The base register of a memory format instruction (except ldah) contains a literal address.
R_LU_BYTOFF The byte offset register (Rb) of a byte-manipulation instruction contains a literal address.
R_LU_JSR The target register of a jsr instruction contains a literal address.    Assembler and Linker Processing of Relocation Entries

Object modules with all external references defined have the same format as relocatable modules and are executable without relinking.

Local relocation entries must be used for symbols that are defined, and external relocation entries are used only for undefined symbols. Figure 7-3 gives an overview of the relocation table entry for an undefined external symbol.

Figure 7-3: Relocation Table Entry for Undefined External Symbols

The assembler creates a relocation table entry for an undefined external symbol as follows:

  1. Sets r_vaddr to point to the item to be relocated.

  2. Places a constant to be added to the value for relocation at the address for the item to be relocated (r_vaddr).

  3. Sets r_symndx to the index of the external symbols entry that contains the symbol value (which is used as the value for relocation).

  4. Sets r_type to the constant for the type of relocation types. Table 7-11 shows the valid constants for the relocation type.

  5. Sets r_extern to 1.


The assembler always sets the value of the undefined external symbols entry to 0. It may assign a constant value to be added to the relocated value at the address where the location is to be done. For relocation types other than R_HINT, the linker flags this as an error if the width of the constant is less than a full quadword and an overflow occurs after relocation.

When the linker determines that an external symbol is defined, it changes the relocation table entry for the symbol to a local relocation entry. Figure 7-4 gives an overview of the new entry.

Figure 7-4: Relocation Table Entry for a Local Relocation Entry

To change this entry from an external relocation entry to a local relocation entry, the linker performs the following steps:

  1. Picks up the constant from the address to be relocated (r_vaddr).

  2. If the width of the constant is less than 64 bits, sign-extends the constant to 64 bits.

  3. Adds the value for relocation (the value of the symbol) to the constant and places it back in the address to be relocated.

  4. Sets r_symndx to the section number that contains the external symbol.

  5. Sets r_extern to 0.

The following examples show the use of external relocation entries:

7.3    Object-File Formats (OMAGIC, NMAGIC, ZMAGIC)

The linker creates files with the following object-file formats:

To understand the descriptions of these formats, you should be familiar with the format and contents of the text, data, and bss segments as described in Section 7.2.4.

The following constraints are imposed on the address at which an object can be loaded and the boundaries of its segments:

The operating system can dictate additional constraints.

7.3.1    Impure Format (OMAGIC) Files

An OMAGIC file has the format shown in Figure 7-5.

Figure 7-5: Layout of OMAGIC Files in Virtual Memory

The OMAGIC format has the following characteristics:

7.3.2    Shared Text (NMAGIC) Files

An NMAGIC file has the format shown in Figure 7-6.

Figure 7-6: Layout of NMAGIC Files in Virtual Memory

An NMAGIC file has the following characteristics:

7.3.3    Demand Paged (ZMAGIC) Files

A ZMAGIC file is a demand paged file. Figure 7-7 shows the format of a ZMAGIC file as it appears in virtual memory and on disk.

Figure 7-7: Layout of ZMAGIC Files

A ZMAGIC file has the following characteristics:

7.3.4    Ucode Objects

A ucode object contains only a file header, the ucode section header, the ucode section, and all of the symbolic information. A ucode section never appears in a machine-code object file.

7.4    Loading Object Files

The linker produces object files with their sections in a fixed order similar to the order that was used in UNIX system object files that existed prior to the implementation of the common object file format (COFF). Figure 7-1 shows the ordering of the sections, and Section 7.2 contains information on how the sections are formatted.

The sections are grouped into segments, which are described in the optional header. To load an object file for execution, the dynamic loader needs only the magic number in the file header and the optional header to load an object file for execution.

The starting addresses and sizes of the segments for all types of object files are specified similarly, and the segments are loaded in the same manner.

After reading in the file header and the optional header, the dynamic loader must examine the file magic number to determine if the program can be loaded. Then, the dynamic loader loads the text and data segments.

The starting offset in the file for the text segment is given by the following macro in the header file a.out.h:

N_TXTOFF (f,a)

where f is the file header structure and a is the option header structure for the object file to be loaded.

The tsize field in the optional header (Table 7-4) contains the size of the text segment and text_start contains the address at which it is to be loaded. The starting offset of the data segment follows the text segment. The dsize field in the section header (Table 7-6) contains the size of the data segment; data_start contains the address at which it is to be loaded.

The dynamic loader must fill the .bss section with zeros. The bss_start field in the optional header specifies the starting address; bsize specifies the number of bytes to be filled with zeros. In ZMAGIC files, the linker adjusts bsize to account for the zero-filled area it created in the data segment that is part of of the .sbss or .bss sections.

If the object file itself does not load the global pointer register, it must be set to the gp_value field in the optional header (Table 7-4).

The other fields in the optional header are gprmask and fprmask, whose bits show the registers used in the .text, .init, and .fini sections. They can be used by the operating system, if desired, to avoid save register relocations when a context-switch operation occurs.

7.5    Archive Files

The linker can link object files in archives created by the archiver. The archiver and the format of the archives are based on the System V portable archive format. To improve performance, the format of the archives symbol table was changed to a hash table, not a linear list.

The archive hash table is accessed through the ranhashinit() and ranlookup() library routines in libmld.a, which are documented in ranhash(3). The archive format definition is in the header file ar.h.

7.6    Linker Defined Symbols

Certain symbols are reserved and their values are defined by the linker. A user program can reference these symbols, but cannot define them; an error is generated if a user program attempts to define one of these symbols. Table 7-13 lists the names and values of these symbols; the header file sym.h contains their preprocessor macro definitions.

Table 7-13: Linker Defined Symbols

Symbol Value Description
_ETEXT _etext First location after text segment
_EDATA _edata First location after data segment
_END _end First location after bss segment
_FTEXT[Table Note 1] _ftext First location of text segment
_FDATA[Table Note 1] _fdata First location of data segment
_FBSS[Table Note 1] _fbss First location of the bss segment
_GP _gp gp value stored in optional header
  _procedure_table Run-time procedure table
  _procedure_table_size Run-time procedure table size
  _procedure_string_table String table for run-time procedure
_COBOL_MAIN _cobol_main First COBOL main symbol
_WEAK_ETEXT[Table Note 2] etext Weak symbol for first location after text segment
_WEAK_EDATA[Table Note 2] edata Weak symbol for first location after data segment
_WEAK_END[Table Note 2] end Weak symbol for first location after bss segment
  _BASE_ADDRESS[Table Note 3] Base address of file
  _DYNAMIC_LINK[Table Note 3] 1 if creating a dynamic executable file, 0 otherwise
  _DYNAMIC[Table Note 3] Address of .dynamic section
  _GOT_OFFSET[Table Note 3] Address of .got section for dynamic executable file

Table Notes:

  1. Compiler system only.

  2. Not defined with -std.

  3. No symbol entry. Not defined in sym.h.

The dynamic linker also reserves and defines certain symbols; see Chapter 9 for more information.

The first three symbols in Table 7-13 (_ETEXT, _EDATA, and _END) come from the standard UNIX system linker. The remaining symbols are compiler-system specific.

The linker symbol _COBOL_MAIN is set to the symbol value of the first external symbol with the cobol_main bit set. COBOL objects use this symbol to determine the main routine.

The following symbols relate to the run-time procedure table:

The run-time procedure table is used by the exception systems in languages that have exception-handling capabilities built into them. Its description is found in the header file sym.h. The table is a subset of the procedure descriptor table portion of the symbol table with one additional field, exception_info.

When the procedure table entry is for an external procedure and an external symbol table exists, the linker fills in exception_info with the address of the external table. Otherwise, it fills in exception_info with zeros.

The name of the run-time procedure table is the procedure name concatenated with the string _exception_info (that is, the default value of the preprocessor macro EXCEPTION_SUFFIX, as defined in the header file excpt.h).

The run-time procedure table provides enough information to allow a program to unwind its stack. It is typically used by the routines in libexc.a. The comments in the header file excpt.h describe the routines in that library.