8    Symbol Table

This chapter describes the symbol table and the routines used to create and make entries in the table. The chapter addresses the following major topics:

8.1    Symbol Table Overview

The symbol table is created by the compiler front-end as a stand-alone file. The purpose of the table is to provide information that the linker and the debugger need to perform their respective functions. At the option of the user, the linker includes information from the symbol table in the final object file for use by the debugger. (See Figure 7-1 for details about object file format.)

The elements (subtables) contained by the symbol table are shown in Figure 8-1.

Figure 8-1: Symbol Table Overview

The compiler front-end creates one group of subtables that contain global information relative to the entire compilation. It also creates a unique group of subtables for the source file and each of its include files. (Figure 8-1 uses shading to differentiate the two types of subtables: compilation-wide subtables are shaded and file-specific subtables are unshaded.)

Compiler front-ends, the assembler, and the linker interact with the symbol table in the following ways:

The symbol table elements shown in Figure 8-1 are summarized in the paragraphs that follow. Some of the major elements are described in more detail later in the chapter.

Symbolic Header
The symbolic header (HDRR) contains the sizes and locations (as an offset from the beginning of the file) of the subtables that make up the symbol table. Figure 8-2 shows the relationship of the header to the other tables. (See Section 8.2.1 for additional information on the symbolic header.)

Figure 8-2: Functional Overview of the Symbolic Header

Line Number Table
The assembler creates the line number table. The line number table contains an entry for every instruction. Internally, the information is stored in an encoded form. The debugger uses the entries to map instructions to the source lines and vice versa. (See Section 8.2.2 for additional information on the line number table.)

Dense Number Table
The dense number table is an array of pairs. An index into this table is called a dense number. Each pair consists of a file table index (ifd) and an index (isym) into the local symbol table. The table facilitates symbol look-up for the assembler, optimizer, and code generator by allowing direct table access to be used instead of hashing.

Procedure Descriptor Table
The procedure descriptor table contains register and frame information, and offsets into other tables that provide detailed information on the procedure. The compiler front-end creates the table and links it to the local symbol table. The assembler enters information on registers and frames. The debugger uses the entries in determining the line numbers for procedures and the frame information for stack traces. (See Section 8.2.3 for additional information on the procedure discriptor table.)

Local Symbol Table
The local symbol table contains descriptions of program variables, types, and structures, which the debugger uses to locate and interpret run-time values. The table gives the symbol type, storage class, and offsets into other tables that further define the symbol.

A unique local symbol table exists for every source and include file; the compiler locates the table through an offset from the file descriptor entry that exists for every file. The entries in the local symbol table can reference related information in the local string table and auxiliary symbol table. This relationship is shown in Figure 8-3. (See Section 8.2.4 for additional information on the local symbol table.)

Figure 8-3: Logical Relationship Between the File Descriptor Table and Local Symbols

Optimization Symbol Table
To be defined at a future date.

Auxiliary Symbol Table
The auxiliary symbol tables contain data type information specific to one language. Each entry is linked to an entry in the Local Symbol Table. The entry in the local symbol table can have multiple, contiguous entries. The format of an auxiliary entry depends on the symbol type and storage class. Table entries are required only when one of the debugging options (-g compilation options) is in effect. (See Section 8.2.5 for additional information on the auxiliary symbol table.)

Local String Table
The local string tables contain the names of local symbols.

External String Table
The external string table contains the names of external symbols.

File Descriptor Table
The file descriptor table contains one entry each for each source file and each of its include files. Each entry is composed of pointers to a group of subtables related to a file. The structure of an entry is shown in Table 8-12, and the physical layout of the subtables is shown in Figure 8-4. (See Section 8.2.6 for additional information on the file descriptor table.)

Figure 8-4: Physical Relationship of a File Descriptor Entry to Other Tables

The file descriptor entry allows the compiler to access a group of subtables unique to one file. The logical relationship between entries in the file descriptor table and its subtables is shown in Figure 8-5.

Figure 8-5: Logical Relationship Between the File Descriptor Table and Other Tables

Relative File Descriptor Table
Each file in the symbol table contains a relative file descriptor for each file it was compiled with (including itself and include files). The relative file descriptor maps the index of each file at compile time to its index after linking. All file indices inside the local symbols and auxiliary table must be mapped through the relative file descriptor table for the file they occur in. A missing file descriptor table implies the identity function.

External Symbol Table
The external symbol table contains global symbols entered by the compiler front-end. The symbols are defined in one module and referenced in one or more other modules. The assembler updates the entries, and the linker merges the symbols and resolves their addresses. (See Section 8.2.7 for additional information on the external symbol table.)

8.2    Format of Symbol Table Entries

The symbol table is comprised of several subtables. The symbolic header acts as a directory for the subtables; it provides the locations of the subtables and gives their sizes.

The following sections describe the symbolic header and the subtables.

8.2.1    Symbolic Header

The structure of the symbolic header is shown in Table 8-1. The header file sym.h contains the header declaration.

Table 8-1: Format of the Symbolic Header

Declaration Name Description
short magic To verify validity of the table
short vstamp Version stamp
int ilineMax Number of line number entries
int idnMax Maximum index into dense numbers
int ipdMax Number of procedures
int isymMax Number of local symbols
int ioptMax Maximum index into optimization entries
int iauxMax Number of auxiliary symbols
int issMax Maximum index into local strings
int issExtMax Maximum index into external strings
int ifdMax Number of file descriptors
int crfd Number of relative file descriptors
int iextMax Maximum index into external symbols
long cbLine Number of bytes for line number entries
long cbLineOffset Index to start of line numbers
long cbDnOffset Index to start dense numbers
long cbPdOffset Index to procedure descriptors
long cbSymOffset Index to start of local symbols
long cbOptOffset Index to start of optimization entries
long cbAuxOffset Index to the start of auxiliary symbols
long cbSsOffset Index to start of local strings
long cbSsExtOffset Index to the start of external strings
long cbFdOffset Index to file descriptor
long cbRfdOffset Index to relative file descriptors
long cbExtOffset Index to the start of external symbols

The lower byte of the vstamp field contains LS_STAMP and the upper byte contains MS_STAMP (see the header file stamp.h). These values are defined in the stamp.h file.

The iMax fields and the cbOffset fields must be set to zero if one of the tables shown in Table 8-1 is not present.

The magic field must contain the constant magicSym, which is also defined in symconst.h.

8.2.2    Line Number Table

Table 8-2 shows the format of an entry in the line number table; the header file sym.h contains its declaration.

Table 8-2: Format of a Line Number Entry

Declaration Name
int * pLINER

The line number section in the symbol table is rounded to the nearest 4-byte boundary.

Line numbers map executable instructions to source lines; one line number is stored for each instruction associated with a source line. Line numbers are stored as integers in memory and in packed format on disk. Figure 8-6 shows the layout of a line number entry on disk.

Figure 8-6: Layout of Line Number Entries

The compiler assigns a line number only to those lines of source code that generate executable instructions.

The uses of the delta and count fields are as follows:

An extended format of the line number entry is used when the delta value is outside the range -7 to 7. Figure 8-7 shows the layout of an extended line number entry on disk.

Figure 8-7: Layout of Extended Line Number Entries


Between two source lines that produce executable code, the compiler allows a maximum of 32,767 comment lines, blank lines, continuation lines, and other lines not producing executable instructions.

The following source listing can be used to show how the compiler assigns line numbers:

1   #include <stdio.h>
2   main()
3   {
4       char c;
6       printf("this program just prints input\n");
7       for (;;) {
8          if ((c =fgetc(stdin)) != EOF) break;
9       /*   this is a greater than 7-line comment
10           * 1
11           * 2
12           * 3
13           * 4
14           * 5
15           * 6
16           * 7
17           */
18           printf("%c", c);
19      } /* end for */
20  } /* end main */

The compiler generates line numbers only for the lines 3, 6, 8, 18, and 20; the other lines are either blank or contain comments.

The following table shows the LINER entries for each source line:
Source LINER  
Line Contents Meaning
3 03 Delta 0, count 3
6 35 Delta 3, count 5
8 2a Delta 2, count 10
18[Table Note 1] 89 00 0a Delta 10, count 9
20 23 Delta 2, count 3

Table Note:

  1. Extended format (delta is greater than 7 lines).

The compiler generates the following instructions for the example program:

[main.c:   3] 0x0:    27bb0001        ldah    gp, 1(t12)
[main.c:   3] 0x4:    23bd80d0        lda     gp, -32560(gp)
[main.c:   3] 0x8:    23deffe0        lda     sp, -32(sp)
[main.c:   3] 0xc:    b75e0008        stq     ra, 8(sp)
[main.c:   6] 0x10:   a61d8010        ldq     a0, -32752(gp)
[main.c:   6] 0x14:   22108000        lda     a0, -32768(a0)
[main.c:   6] 0x18:   a77d8018        ldq     t12, -32744(gp)
[main.c:   6] 0x1c:   6b5b4000        jsr     ra, (t12), printf
[main.c:   6] 0x20:   27ba0001        ldah    gp, 1(ra)
[main.c:   6] 0x24:   23bd80b0        lda     gp, -32592(gp)
[main.c:   8] 0x28:   a61d8020        ldq     a0, -32736(gp)
[main.c:   8] 0x2c:   a77d8028        ldq     t12, -32728(gp)
[main.c:   8] 0x30:   6b5b4000        jsr     ra, (t12), fgetc
[main.c:   8] 0x34:   27ba0001        ldah    gp, 1(ra)
[main.c:   8] 0x38:   23bd809c        lda     gp, -32612(gp)
[main.c:   8] 0x3c:   b41e0018        stq     v0, 24(sp)
[main.c:   8] 0x40:   44000401        bis     v0, v0, t0
[main.c:   8] 0x44:   48203f41        extqh   t0, 0x1, t0
[main.c:   8] 0x48:   48271781        sra     t0, 0x38, t0
[main.c:   8] 0x4c:   40203402        addq    t0, 0x1, t1
[main.c:   8] 0x50:   f440000a        bne     t1, 0x7c
[main.c:  18] 0x54:   a61d8010        ldq     a0, -32752(gp)
[main.c:  18] 0x58:   22108020        lda     a0, -32736(a0)
[main.c:  18] 0x5c:   44000411        bis     v0, v0, a1
[main.c:  18] 0x60:   4a203f51        extqh   a1, 0x1, a1
[main.c:  18] 0x64:   4a271791        sra     a1, 0x38, a1
[main.c:  18] 0x68:   a77d8018        ldq     t12, -32744(gp)
[main.c:  18] 0x6c:   6b5b4000        jsr     ra, (t12), printf
[main.c:  18] 0x70:   27ba0001        ldah    gp, 1(ra)
[main.c:  18] 0x74:   23bd8060        lda     gp, -32672(gp)
[main.c:  18] 0x78:   c3ffffeb        br      zero, 0x28
[main.c:  20] 0x7c:   47ff0400        bis     zero, zero, v0
[main.c:  20] 0x80:   a75e0008        ldq     ra, 8(sp)
[main.c:  20] 0x84:   23de0020        lda     sp, 32(sp)
[main.c:  20] 0x88:   6bfa8001        ret     zero, (ra), 1

8.2.3    Procedure Descriptor Table

Table 8-3 shows the format of an entry in the procedure descriptor table; the header file sym.h contains its declaration.

Table 8-3: Format of a Procedure Descriptor Table Entry

Declaration Name Description
unsigned long adr Memory address of start of procedure
long cbLineOffset Byte offset for this procedure from the base of the file descriptor entry
int isym Start of local symbols
int iline[Table Note 1] Procedure's line numbers
int regmask Saved register mask
int regoffset[Table Note 2] Saved register offset
int iopt Procedure's optimization symbol entries
int fregmask Save floating-point register mask
int fregoffset Save floating-point register offset
int frameoffset Frame size
int lnLow Lowest line in the procedure
int lnHigh Highest line in the procedure
unsigned gp_prologue : 8[Table Note 3] Byte size of gp prologue
unsigned gp_used : 1 True if the procedures uses gp
unsigned reg_frame : 1 True if register frame procedure
unsigned reserved : 14 N/A
unsigned localoff : 8 Offset of local variables from vfp
short framereg Frame pointer register
short pcreg Index or reg of return program counter

Table Notes:

  1. If the value of iline is null and the cycm field in the file descriptor table is zero, the iline field is indexed to the actual table.

  2. If the value of reg_frame is 1, the regoffset field contains the register number of the register in which the return address is stored.

  3. If the value of gp_prologue is zero and gp_used is 1, a gp prologue is present but has been scheduled into the procedure prologue.

8.2.4    Local Symbol Table

Table 8-4 shows the format of an entry in the local symbol table; the header file sym.h contains its declaration.

Table 8-4: Format of a Local Symbol Table Entry

Declaration Name Description
long value[Table Note 1] Value of symbol
int iss[Table Note 2] Index into local strings of symbol name
unsigned st : 6[Table Note 3] Symbol type
unsigned sc : 5[Table Note 4] Storage class
unsigned reserved : 1 N/A
unsigned index : 20[Table Note 5] Index into local or auxiliary symbols

Table Notes:

  1. An integer representing an address, size, offset from a frame pointer. The value is determined by the symbol type, as illustrated in Table 8-5.

  2. The index into string space (iss) is an offset from the issBase field of an entry in the file descriptor table to the name of the symbol.

  3. The symbol type (st) defines the symbol. The valid st Constants are given in Table 8-6. These constants are defined in symconst.h.

  4. The storage class (sc), where applicable, explains how to access the symbol type in memory. The valid sc constants are given in Table 8-7. These constants are defined in symconst.h.

  5. An offset into either the local symbol table or auxiliary symbol tables, depending of the storage type (st) as shown in Table 8-5. The compiler uses isymBase in the file descriptor entry as the base for an entry in the local symbol table and iauxBase for an entry in the auxiliary symbol table.

Table 8-5: Index and Value as a Function of Symbol Type and Storage Class

Symbol Type Storage Class Index Value
stFile scText isymMac Address of symbol
stLabel scText indexNil Address of symbol
stGlobal scD/B[Table Note 1] iaux Address of symbol
stStatic scD/B[Table Note 1] iaux Address of symbol
stParam scAbs iaux Frame offset[Table Note 2]
  scRegister iaux Register containing address of symbol
  scSymRef isymFull[Table Note 3] Frame offset[Table Note 2]
  scVar iaux Frame offset[Table Note 2]
  scVarRegister iaux Register containing address of symbol
stLocal scAbs iaux Frame offset[Table Note 2]
  scRegister iaux Register containing address of symbol
stProc scText iaux Address of symbol
  scNil iaux (unused)
  scUndefined iaux (unused)
  scVar iaux Frame offset[Table Note 2]
  scVarRegister iaux Register containing address of symbol
stStaticProc scText iaux Address of symbol
  enumeration scInfo indexNil Ordinal
  structure scInfo iaux Bit offset[Table Note 4]
  union scInfo iaux Bit offset[Table Note 4]
  enumeration scInfo isymMac[Table Note 5] Max enumeration
  structure scInfo isymMac[Table Note 5] Size
  text block scText isymMac[Table Note 5] Relative address[Table Note 6]
  common block scCommon isymMac[Table Note 5] Size
  variant scVariant isymMac[Table Note 5] isymTag[Table Note 7]
  variant arm scInfo isymMac[Table Note 5] iauxRanges[Table Note 8]
  union scInfo isymMac[Table Note 5] Size
  enumeration scInfo isymStart[Table Note 9] 0
  file scText isymStart[Table Note 9] Relative address[Table Note 6]
  procedure scText isymStart[Table Note 9] Relative address[Table Note 6]
  structure scInfo isymStart[Table Note 9] 0
  text block scText isymStart[Table Note 9] Relative address[Table Note 6]
  union scInfo isymStart[Table Note 9] 0
  common block scCommon isymStart[Table Note 9] 0
  variant scVariant isymStart[Table Note 9] 0
  variant arm scInfo isymStart[Table Note 9] 0
stTypedef scInfo iaux 0

Table Notes:

  1. The scD/B storage class (data, sdata, bss, or sbss) is determined by the assembler.

  2. The frame offset value is the offset from the virtual frame pointer.

  3. The isymFull index is the isym of the corresponding full parameter description.

  4. The bit offset value is computed from the beginning of the procedure.

  5. The isymMac index is the isym of the corresponding stEnd symbol plus 1.

  6. The relative address value is the relative displacement from the beginning of the procedure.

  7. The isymTag index is the isym to the symbol that is the tag for the variant.

  8. The iauxRanges index is the iaux to the ranges for the variant arm.

  9. The isymStart index is the isym of the corresponding begin block (for example, stBlock, stFile, or stProc).

The linker ignores all symbols except the types that it will relocate: stLabel, stStatic, stProc, and stStaticProc. Other symbols are used only by the debugger and need to be entered in the table only when one of the debugging options (-g compilation options) is in effect.    Symbol Type (st) Constants

Table 8-6 gives the allowable constants that can be specified in the st field of entries in the local symbol table; the header file symconst.h contains the declarations for the constants.

Table 8-6: Symbol Type (st) Constants

Constant Value Description
stNil 0 Dummy entry
stGlobal 1 External symbol
stStatic 2 Static
stParam 3 Procedure argument
stLocal 4 Local variable
stLabel 5 Label
stProc 6 Procedure
stBlock 7 Start of block
stEnd 8 End block, file, or procedures
stMember 9 Member of structure, union, or enumeration
stTypedef 10 Type definition
stFile 11 File name
stStaticProc 14 Load-time-only static procs
stConstant 15 Constant
stStaParam 16 Fortran static parameters
stBase 17 C++ base class
stVirtBase 18 C++ virtual base class
stTag 19 C++ tag
stInter 20 C++ interlude
stSplit 21 Split lifetime variable
stModule 22 Module definition
stModview 23 Modifiers for current view of given module    Storage Class (sc) Constants

Table 8-7 gives the allowable constants that can be specified in the sc field of entries in the local symbol table; the header file symconst.h contains the declarations for the constants.

Table 8-7: Storage Class Constants

Constant Value Description
scNil 0 Dummy entry
scText 1 Text symbol
scData 2 Initialized data symbol
scBss 3 Uninitialized data symbol
scRegister 4 Value of symbol is register number
scAbs 5 Symbol value is absolute; not to be relocated
scUndefined 6 Used but undefined in the current module
scUnallocated 7 No storage or register allocated
scBits 8 Bit field
scDbx 9 Used internally by dbx
scRegImage 10 Register value saved on stack
scInfo 11 Symbol contains debugger information
scUserStruct 12 Address in struct user for current process
scSData 13 Small data (load time only)
scSBss 14 Small common (load time only)
scRData 15 Read only data (load time only)
scVar 16 Fortran or Pascal: Var parameter
scCommon 17 Common variable
scSCommon 18 Small common
scVarRegister 19 Var parameter in a register
scVariant 20 Variant records
scFileDesc 20 COBOL: File descriptor
scSUndefined 21 Small undefined
scInit 22 init section symbol
scReportDesc 23 COBOL: Report descriptor
scXData 24 Exception handling data
scPData 25 Exception procedure section
scFini 26 fini section symbol
scRConst 27 Read-only constant symbol
scSymRef 28 Parameter is described by referenced symbol
scMax 32 Maximum number of storage classes

8.2.5    Auxiliary Symbol Table

Table 8-8 shows the format of an entry in the auxiliary symbol table; the sym.h file contains its declaration. Note that the entry is declared as a union; Table 8-8 lists the members of the union.

Table 8-8: Auxiliary Symbol Table Entries

Declaration Name Description
TIR ti[Table Note 1] Type information record
RNDXR rndx[Table Note 2] Relative index into local symbols
int dnLow Low dimension of array
int dnHigh High dimension of array
int isym[Table Note 3] Index into local symbols for stEnd
int iss Index into local strings (not used)
int width Width of a structured field not declared with the default value for size
int count[Table Note 4] Count of ranges for variant arm

Table Notes:

  1. Table 8-9 shows the format of a ti entry; the sym.h file contains its declaration.

  2. The compiler front-end fills this field in describing structures, enumerations, and other complex types. The relative file index is a pair of indexes. One index is an offset from the start of the file descriptor table to one of its entries. The second is an offset from the file descriptor entry to an entry in the local symbol table or auxiliary symbol table.

  3. This index is always an offset to an stEnd entry denoting the end of a procedure.

  4. Used in describing case variants. Gives the number of elements that are separated by commas in a case variant.

Table 8-9: Format of a Type Information Record Entry

Declaration Name Description
unsigned fBitfield : 1 Set if bit width is specified
unsigned continued : 1 Next auxiliary entry has tq information
unsigned bt : 6 Basic type
unsigned tq4 : 4 Type qualifier
unsigned tq5 : 4 Type qualifier
unsigned tq0 : 4 Type qualifier
unsigned tq1 : 4 Type qualifier
unsigned tq2 : 4 Type qualifier
unsigned tq3 : 4 Type qualifier

All groups of auxiliary entries have a type information record with the following entries:

Table 8-10: Basic Type (bt) Constants

Constant Value Size[Table Note 1] Description
btNil 0 0 Undefined, void
btAdr32 1 32 Address (32 bits)
btChar 2 8 Symbol character
btUChar 3 8 Unsigned character
btShort 4 16 Short (16 bits)
btUShort 5 16 Unsigned short
btInt 6 32 Integer
btUInt 7 32 Unsigned integer
btLong32 8 32 Long (32 bits)
btULong32 9 32 Unsigned long (32 bits)
btFloat 10 32 Floating point (real)
btDouble 11 64 Double-precision floating-point real
btStruct 12 n/a Structure (record)
btUnion 13 n/a Union (variant)
btEnum 14 32 Enumerated
btTypedef 15 n/a Defined by means of a typedef; rndx points at a stTypedef symbol
btRange 16 32 Subrange of integer
btSet 17 32 Pascal: Sets
btComplex 18 64 Fortran: Complex
btDComplex 19 128 Fortran: Double complex
btIndirect 20 n/a Indirect definition; rndx points to an entry in the auxiliary symbol table that contains a TIR (type information record)
btFixedBin 21 n/a COBOL: Fixed binary
btDecimal 22 n/a COBOL: Packed or unpacked decimal
btVoid 26 n/a Void
btPtrMem 27 64 C++: Pointer to member
btScaledBin 27 n/a COBOL: Scaled binary
btVptr 28 n/a C++: Virtual function table
btArrayDesc 28 n/a Fortran90: Array descriptor
btClass 29 n/a C++: Class (record)
btLong64 30 64 Address (64 bits)
btLong 30 64 Synonym for btLong64
btULong64 31 64 Unsigned long (64 bits)
btULong 31 64 Synonym for btUlong64
btLongLong 32 64 Long long (64 bits)
btULongLong 33 64 Unsigned long long (64 bits)
btAdr64 34 64 Address (64 bits)
btAdr 34 64 Synonym for btAdr64
btInt64 35 64 64-bit integer
btUInt64 36 64 64-bit unsigned integer
btLDouble 37 128 Long double (real*15)
btInt8 38 8 8-bit integer
btUInt8 39 8 8-bit unsigned integer
btMax 64 n/a  

Table Notes:

  1. Size in bits.

Table 8-11: Type Qualifier (tq) Constants

Constant Value Description
tqNil 0 Place holder; no qualifier
tqPtr 1 Pointer
tqProc 2 Procedure or function
tqArray 3 Array
tqVol 5 Volatile
tqConst 6 Constant
tqRef 7 Reference
tqMax 8 Number of type qualifiers

8.2.6    File Descriptor Table

Table 8-12 shows the format of an entry in the file descriptor table; the header file sym.h contains its declaration.

Table 8-12: Format of File Descriptor Entry

Declaration Name Description
unsigned long adr Memory address of start of file
long cbLineOffset Byte offset from header or file lines
long cbLine Size of lines for the file
long cbSs Number of bytes in local strings
int rss Source file name
int issBase Start of local strings
int isymBase Start of local symbol entries
int csym Count of local symbol entries
int ilineBase Start of line number entries
int cline Count of line number entries
int ioptBase Start of optimization symbol entries
int copt Count of optimization symbol entries
int ipdFirst Start of procedure descriptor table
int cpd Count of procedures descriptors
int iauxBase Start of auxiliary symbol entries
int caux Count of auxiliary symbol entries
int rfdBase Index into relative file descriptors
int crfd Relative file descriptor count
unsigned lang : 5 Language for this file
unsigned fMerge : 1 Whether this file can be merged
unsigned fReadin : 1 True if it was read in (not just created)
unsigned fBigendian : 1 Not used
unsigned glevel : 2 Level this file was compiled with
unsigned reserved : 22 Reserved for future use

8.2.7    External Symbol Table

The external symbol table has the same format as the local symbol table, except an offset (ifd) field has been added to the file descriptor table. This field is used to locate information associated with the symbol in an auxiliary symbol table. Table 8-13 shows the format of an entry in the external symbol table; the sym.h file contains its declaration.

Table 8-13: External Symbol Table Entries

Declaration Name Description
SYMR asym Same as local symbol table
unsigned short weakext : 1 Symbol is weak external
unsigned short reserved : 15 Reserved for future use
int ifd Pointer to entry in file descriptor table